Friday, October 31, 2014

Good English?

Here is another example of great English here in Japan.......or is it? Unless they got something new this may be an oops.

Monday, October 27, 2014

Good English

This was on the shredded cheese package that we bought. Definitely written by a native English speaker right?

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Halloween burger

On Monday we patronized a mcdonalds for a $1 ice cream for the girls and I couldn't help but notice the Halloween burger on the menu. They actually had 2. One of them had a bun that was shaped like a ghost and the other (pictured below) was on a black bun.

It's a black bun, with a couple black patties, and a black/dark sauce. Oh yeah, and throw on a raw egg (at least that's what the picture looks like) and you have yourself the Halloween burger in Japan. Because I don't fancy the food at mcd's I can't speak to the taste, but it sure does look interesting.

And for you egg lovers, here is a Halloween mystery wrap from KFC Japan

Saturday, October 11, 2014

Rest area - changing board

Our bus ride to Tokyo took over 6 hours, and of course we needed to stop for some bathroom breaks. One of the places we stopped at had a "changing board" in the bathroom, in one of the stalls. I thought it was great that they had a place for the men to change a baby as I have tried to change our daughter's diapers when we have been out only to find there is only a changing station in the women's bathroom. 
The changing board was a little different than I pictured. Instead of being at a convenient waist high height, it was literally next to the ground-I think when the board would have been opened it would have been resting on the ground. (See picture).

I guess with the board resting on the ground when opened you wouldn't have to make sure it's fashioned to the wall securely enough to support a baby's weight or worry about a baby falling off. 
But, I don't know if it is the best place to try and change a squirmy kid-on the floor of the bathroom and in a stall that is just a whole in the ground at that. What if someone had poor aim and previously missed? I have seen quite a few of those toilets/holes in the ground with liquid on the floor around them - yuck. And what if some splatter hit the changing board? Even though it would closed that is still nasty.
But I guess there is one bonus, it would be easy for you to put the diaper in the garbage as it is literally right there. You could almost use it as a tiny seat. And you wouldn't have to touch it with your hands. You could just plop down on top of it and do the changing right there. 
And.........since we're being ridiculous (talking about a changing table on the floor of a stall with a hole in the ground for a toilet), you could even take care of your business, if you had such #2 business to take care of, while you cared for your baby.
Weird,gross,strange........whatever you want to call it, it's just not right!

As we were walking out of the bathroom though I did see a normal changing table. Looking back on the changing board in hole-in-the-ground stall, I think it is for adults to change their clothes so they wouldn't get any remnants from previous potty users on their stuff. At first I thought it was it was incredibly gross but once I realized it wasn't a danger zone for little ones I think it is actually a pretty good idea.

Friday, October 10, 2014

1st road trip

This weekend is our first away games of the regular season.

One of the younger guys on the team was nice enough to get some movies for the 5.5 hour bus ride. So what does a basketball team living in 2014 watch on a bus ride? This trip we have Jaws and Frozen.

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

How you know you're lifting in Japan

This is how you know you're lifting in Japan: when you try to use the mirror but this is all you see.
Maybe I could find a couple extra mirrors and duct tape them up there :)

Thursday, October 2, 2014

Park golf

The same day I was out and happened to see the hummer bike (previous post) I also saw something else I'd never really seen before. I never saw it last year in Kyoto and only once or twice when we were in Chiba 2 years ago. I was in a sports store and walked past something that looked like a golf putter but with a really big head on it. Interested, I stopped to see what itwas.

I guess out here they have something called park golf. I guess you could say it is like mini golf out on grass/a small course. Or maybe you could call it a cross between mini golf and croquet. I thought it sounded like fun and wanted to see how much the "putter" would cost. If you look at the picture you might be able to see the price- it means $1500. (Or about $1458 give or take) I thought maybe it was typo but the one next to it and the one next that one was the same price. $1500? I could buy a car for that much and drive the ball to where it needs to go and set it in the hole. 

There were some clubs, or whatever the correct terminology would be, that were cheaper but I could buy a whole set of real golf clubs, and nice ones for that much. Maybe there's more to this club though. Maybe it can cook you food while you're out for your round of park golf or maybe let you take a ride on a rainbow, I don't know. But , for $1500 there must be something special!!!

Oh, and the balls are about the size of a tennis ball, but hard.  $23 for those suckers.
P.s. If someone would like to take me, I love to go try it.