Friday, October 25, 2013

Typical food #3

If you read my first post about typical food in Japan you know that beef bowls are very popular. Another very common thing is a bowl of ramen. This differs some from the instant ramen many of you may have had in college or bought when you had to bring items to school for a food drive. I would argue (some of you may stongly diasagree after your ramen-loving earlier years) that a bowl of ramen here is quite a bit better.
There are all different types of ramen with different noodles, meat, eggs, flavor and thickness of sauce and various veggies. Each region in Japan has there own version/flavor of ramen. So, if you were traveling around Japan you would be able to order a ramen bowl probably everywhere you went and have something similar but get to taste the different regions idea or take on the dish.

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