Thursday, January 10, 2013

Observation #2 - how do you grunt?

Over here in Japan many things are different. One thing that you might not think of when you think about another country/culture/language is how someone grunts. In the U.S. if we have to lift something heavy or exert a lot of force we may make some noise to help with the task at hand - and it would probably sound something like: uh or mmmm or maybe if you have a little grizzly in you it might be grr. Here they do it a little differently. Here it sounds like ee-ish-ahp (with the ah being like what you would say at the docs office when they put the big popsicle stick in your mouth and tell you to say ah - only this has a p at the end) or ish-ahp for short. Not quite sure why there's a difference, but the next time you have to give a good grunt switch it up and let me know how it works

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