Friday, December 23, 2011

Decorating the Christmas Tree

Like I mentioned in the last post, the Chirstmas trees over here are a little bit different shape and the way they decorate them is a little bit different too. I think each person has there own way of decorating but I think I can make a generalizations. Usually a tree over here will have one color theme. So for example if the color you choose is red there most of the things you put on the tree will be red.
To decorate the trees over here they use balls, lights, and sometimes garland and tinsel (like we do), but here is where the similarities end. In addition or in place of lights every tree over here will have real candles that will be lit.
To keep with the fire theme many of the trees will be donned with sparklers that are lit at the same time as the candles - pyro anyone? (But I asked and the few different people I have talked to have said that there is really no worry of the tree going up and you dont hear any stories of that happening over here so I guess it is not that big of a risk - and they ususally only have the candles lit for a little while).
Aside from the live flame aspects of decorating the tree many of the other decorations are also different. In addition to balls many trees over here will have straw ornaments, as that is a traditional way to decorate the tree. And when you decorate the tree why would just put inedible ornaments on it? Pretty much every chocolate maker has chocolates shaped as bells, balls, or some other christmas shape that will either hang on the brach of the tree by itself or they attach a string to it so it can be hung.
Two of the more popular chocolates to hang on the tree are: a chocolate banana (or banana flavored chocolate pieces - I see alot of those in the stores) and chocolates shaped as umbrellas (I think becasue they are easy to hang on the tree with their little plastic handles)
You would think with all the edible stuff on the tree that candy canes might be a popular addition, but you would be wrong. I only saw candy canes in one place this year and it wasnt even a grocery store, or near other candy/chocolates. I havent seen any kids with cany canes nor have I seen anybody giving them as or with a present. Maybe the sharp point they get when you suck on them makes them too dangerous, but whatever the reason you wont find many candy canes in Austria.
The lighting of the tree -
Like us and Santa Claus, the kids get gifts from somebody special - the Christkind (Christchild). But the Christkind doesnt come down the Chimney during the night of the 25th. She comes on the evening of the 24th. Usually the kids are in another room playing or watching a movie - something to keep them busy - and a parent goes into the room where the Christkind will come. A special room
where the tree is and decorates it (as the kids cannot see this), puts chocolates on it, candles, ornaments, sparklers and of course puts the presents under the tree. Then they tell the kids to come wait outside the door to the room and the parent lights the candles and sparklers, opens the door and says the Christkind has come. This is the first time the children get to see the tree in all it glory as the Chrsitkind has decorated it and the presents that the Cristkind has brought. (Usually this is the time people open gifts to each other as well)
Even though the traditions are a little bit different I think we do many of the same things even if each culture has their own special twist. I do have to say being over is pretty cool though, as we get the chance to experience Christmas done in a little different way.

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