Monday, August 29, 2011

Name Game

With just over 30 days to go until our due date we are really looking at names and trying to narrow it down. While going through different names and different lists of names we are getting some names picked out, but now that we are back in Austria it has been fun to really listen to the different names and see how different some of them are from the ones we like and the ones we are used to hearing back home (at least from where we are from back home). We thought we would share some of the names that we have heard over here and how they are pronounced.

Birgit (pronounced Beer-git)
Sabine (sah-bean-eh)
Johana (Yo-ha-na)
Elfi (El-fee)
Sigrid (Cig-rid)
Lena (Lay-nah)
Astrid (Ah-strid)
Jutta (You-ta)

Ernst (pronounced Air'nst)
Romed (Ro-med)
Moritz (More-its)
Florian (Floor-ee-an)
Hannes (Ha-nes)
Bernd (Bear'nt)
Enis (Ee-nis)

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