Monday, December 6, 2010


Even though I started rehab on Friday, 1.5 weeks ago, last week was my first real week with rehab on Monday, Tuesday and Thursday. It was the first time that I have really used my leg since the injury and surgery. My muscle has gotten a lot weaker and now I have the long process of trying to get it strong again. Last week was tough as my leg wasnt quite used to all the movement and the things the therapist had me doing and because of it my leg was quite sore. I am sure with time though it will get better as I get stronger. Rehab for me right now isnt just a 1/2 or 1 hour thing. Some days I am at rehab for 4 hours. It is a pretty intensive program but I think it is great and will really help me come back strong. It is nice too that the rehab place is only 5-10 minutes (depending on traffic) from our place and easy to get to.
Funny story - Last week before one of my appts I was sitting in the waiting area for the therapist to call me in. I had my crutches laying against the table next to me, so they were close when the therapist called me. A lady from the other side of the room said something loud so I looked up - she was staring at me and obviously talking to me. I didnt understand what she had said so I raised my ebrows as to say, "what was that?" She repeated it again, a little bit louder this time over the row of chairs and people we had sitting inbetween us....nope nothing, didnt understand a word this time either. So, I said sprachen sie english - do you speak english? She frowned at me like I did something wrong and said (now this I understood) warum, wir sind in Österreich.....which translates to Why, we are in Austria.
There was nothing I could do but smile and sort of chuckle to myself.
( I guess the crutches were sticking out into the walkway/hallway a little bit, about the same distance as my feet were, and the lady didnt like it so after she put me in my place she came over and moved them) :)

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