Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Weekends games vs. Albury

Another weekend brought another two big games for the Cobras. The girls played first on Saturday night and then the men's team played after.

The girls played well and continues their win streak. It now sits at 6 games. It wasn't a very high scoring game from either team as both teams played pretty good defence. Again I was only able to see the first quarter of Katy's game but I have to say I am pretty impressed with how hard she works. She is always the first one sprinting down the floor and is getting better at sealing/posting the girl up that she is front of/that is guarding here. Sometimes it looks like it might be a tough pass to here but I think if the ball were to get throw to her a little bit more in that situation they might end up with a couple more points.

For our game, it was a night where we really didn't show up or take Albury as seriously as we should. The first time we played them we ended up beating them by 30 or 40. I think we just thought they were going to give it to us or that it would come easy. It wasn't the case. They took it to us a little bit harder than they did the first time. We were even with them at the end of the 3rd quarter but then in the 4th they got out to a little lead and we just didn't stay with them.

During the week we watched game film and saw that we tend to go one pass and shot, and do that quite a bit. When we do that it is hard to get into the rhythm of the game. When we work the ball around and everyone gets to touch it we seem to do a lot better. If it is something we can work on and do the rest of the year I think it will really help us out. Because when everybody has the ball go through their hands and gets a touch, it seems that everyone is in the game and we do better on defence as well.

Link to Women's story:[tt_news]=383&tx_ttnews[backPid]=210&cHash=07ed4e454f

Link to Men's story:[tt_news]=384&tx_ttnews[backPid]=210&cHash=4a474e309a

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