Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Sunday - two wins

This was a great day for both the men's and the women's team.

The first game of the day was Katy's game. She played the team that is currently first in their league and a team who beat them pretty bad the first game. Katy played very well in this game. She ended up with 13 points and had a nice block on one of the other team's big girls.

You will be able to see the block if you go to:
It will be the first highlight clip in the series (It is kind of hard to see because the camera is so far away but left me tell you, it was a nice block)

At the end of the game it was very close. Kilsyth hit a shot with a couple seconds to go to go up one. On the made shot Katy's teammate got fouled and had a chance for one free throw, but missed. Then the other team, Brisbane, had one last chance and ended up turning the ball over. The girls were very excited as that is a huge win for them. They finished the month of May at 6-1 and are on a very good roll.

For the men's team. We were ahead the whole time. We got out to an early lead and never really looked back. We had a little lapse in the third quarter where the other team drew back to about 12 points but then extended the lead out from there again. For me it was a good game. It is probably the best game I have had and was pretty happy with the effort, however I ended up falling on my wrist and it is bothering me at the moment. This weekend we do have off though so I am hoping to get a little rest for it.
Some highlights from our game:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dl4gty5-2Uc

Because this is a holiday weekend here both teams do not have games. It is the Queens birthday weekend. Katy and I have been planning for some time to fly to Ayers Rock (the outback of Australia) and see what it is like. The current plan is to fly out on Friday and originally we were supposed to come back on Monday, however I messed out plane tickets up and instead of booking a flight back from Alice Springs I accidentally booked another one to Alice Springs. So the next soonest flight back would be on Thursday afternoon. I think we will be able to do it but just have to switch the flights over with the airlines-hopefully they still have flights left on Thursday as Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday are all sold out.

You will have to check back next week to see how our trip went, if we are able to go at all. We are also excited as we bought a new camera last week and it should be here Thursday. This way we will be able to take it with us and hopefully get some good pictures.

Check back soon

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