The apartment here in Austria has a been a little quiet the last 1.5 weeks as it has just been me here. Katy flew home almost 2 weeks ago with Myla and spent time at home visiting her and my family.
Even though Myla was only 3 months old when she flew on the plane, Katy said she did really good. She only had one meltdown and that is because she was really tired. Otherwise, when she was awake she was people watching and flashing that bright smile at anybody who stopped to say hi. (I think she really likes to be where there is a lot going on so she can see whats happening). When you get on a plane and see a baby you get a little worried, at least I do. But Katy said that the other people on the plane really liked her and had a lot of fun with her.
While at home Katy got to see a lot of our families and many people got to meet Myla for the first time. Myla got to meet many of her cousins and had some fun playing with them. Katy said they were pretty busy while they were back but said she really enjoyed the time with everyone!
They fly back this week and I am very excited to see my two girls again and give them both big hugs. Two weeks doesn't seem like it would be that long, but it felt like it was a long time and it will be good to have them back.
LOVED getting to meet beautiful Myla, and catch up with one of my dearest friends, Katy. Love you guys!