Even though we had a baby half way across the world it was so nice to have some family come and visit and see our little girl.
If you have been around kids you probably know how fast they grow and get bigger and we can tell that in her 5 weeks of life, our little girl has already gotten longer and put on some weight (she has some cute "chipmunk" cheeks). Even though she has only been here a short time it seems hard to imagine that she wasn't always here. She just seems like she is right where she needs to be and right where she has always been. We both enjoy all the time we get to spend with her and are happy we get some time to spend all together.
If you care to see some photos of the little girl you can look on our shutterfly share site:
http://joeykatysphotos.shutterfly.com/ and enter the password: joeyandkaty
Hope you enjoy and all is well wherever you may be.
Congratulations on the birth of your daughter! My husband and I recently moved from the US to Innsbruck and it's interesting to read about all of your experiences. We're hoping to get pregnant and have a child while we live here. Could I email Katy to ask a few questions about her experience in the hospital? Best wishes, Stephanie