Already in her short 8 weeks of life our little girl has been a busy little one out taking a couple different trips and seeing a lot of Austria. So far she has been to many of the basketball games, both home and away that we have had since she was born. Sometimes it can get very loud in the gym especially as fans are allowed to bring big drums in and bang on them during the game, so we got Myla some hearing protection - some ear phones. Katy says they work really well for her and she is able to sleep sometimes during the game (except when she is watching the game....or eating of course :) )
She has also been on a couple trips to see the country side. On one trip we took her on a train ride to the top of

one of the mountains-Schafberg (up 1700+ meters), while my mom was here. We knew it was going to be pretty cold so we put her in her snowsuit and I wore the baby carrier underneath my jacket - I think she stayed really warm (we took her out for the picture). It was really cool to be able to take her there and even though she probably didn't know what was going on, show her the wonderful view as we could see what seemed like all of Austria.
Another trip was to Salzburg with Katy's parents. We saw where Mozart was born, the castle on the hill, the big cathedral there and the different squares (gathering places) they have.

This time we wrapped her in a couple blankets and carried her. Again I think she stayed warm and it was nice to be able to take her around to some of the main sites.
Then she rode the train back to Salzburg a different day and went on the Sound of Music tour and saw all the sites from the movie. When she got home she had a smile on her face and told me the "hills are alive."
She does very well in the car, as I think a lot of kids do. Sometimes she cries a little but once the car gets moving she is usually able to drift off to sleep. And wherever we go we always try to allow plenty of extra time so if we need to stop to feed/change her (maybe a couple of times) we can do it and not feel rushed.
So far she has done really well with all the journeys we have gone on and I think in the coming weeks, months, and years she is going to be quite the well traveled baby.