Picture yourself in the grocery store and there is no one else in the store but you. You would be free to drive your cart anywhere you wanted to and turn your cart perpendicular to the aisles if you wanted to. You could drive it along the side of the aisle while to look at the food or down the center of the aisle if you wanted to. Or you could drive your cart around and not have to pay attention to where you are going or if someone needed to get past you.
Sound like it would be nice?

Well, maybe if there was no one else in the store it would be. But when you are in the store and the other people drive like this (maybe not all of them but most) it can get very crazy.
It may sound a little ridiculous but I have had some people park their cart crossways in the aisle, then leave it to go look for things.
The aisles here aren't quite as wide and there have been times where one cart is parked in the middle of the aisle and the next person instead of parking their cart a few more feet ahead (so the carts are in a line where people can get around) they park it right next to the cart blocking everyone in their path. And, if you are waiting - that's what you will do - wait. And If they see you're waiting to get by you ask? No change. If it doesn't have to do with them it doesn't matter.
Okay, I'm not saying everyone is like at all this but this has happened quite a few times to me this year and there's really nothing you can do but shake your head. Sometimes it can be very interesting! :)
I sometimes think that if the grocery store trips were on candid camera it would be pretty funny to watch.
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