On Saturday night the girls team kicked off the battle for the ashes with the first game. I was able to see the 1st half and the game looked pretty good. The girls were playing pretty well. The were getting the ball up the court pretty quick and were passing it pretty well. They did turn the ball over a couple times but it looked like something that they would be able to fix in the second half. From what I heard and what Katy told me they did anything but that. I guess they had a tough time getting the ball past half court. Katy said it reminded her of one of her basketball games at State when they had the same problem. I think it was pretty frustrating for the girls as they started the half about even and then ended up losing by about 20. The part of the game that I saw, Katy played quite well. She made some shots and was doing a great job posting up and sealing her girls on fastbreaks. I think she probably should have had more consistent time on court as she works very hard and it is plain to see.
Our game was a little different story. We needed to win this game to get us closer to the second spot in our conference. We started out the game on a little run and got out to a nice lead. We ended up winning the first quarter. I think the stats are quite good when we win the first quarter. Out of all the games where we have won the first quarter we have won the game except for the two of them. One was to Brisbane, who is at the top of our conference and the other was to Frankston, who is at the top of the other conference (who we played two weekends ago and this coming weekend). After we got on top early we never really looked back. Even though we had the lead and they fought back a time or two we were just able to hold them off when they made their runs at us. Two weekends ago I wasn't very happy at how I played. I didn't think I took the ball as hard to the hoop as I should and I wanted to better at that this past weekend. I felt like I took the ball a little bit harder, I didn't make as many as would have wanted, but next weekend is another weekend and hopefully I can improve on that.In the end we ended up winning by 8.
Even though we won by 8 Kilsyth ended up losing the ashes trophy to Knox. The way the figure the winner out is: if they women lose by 20 the men would need to win by 21. Since we only won by 8 it wasn't enough to cover the difference and because of that Knox keeps the trophy until next year.
Link to women's story: http://www.kilsythbasketball.com.au/index.php?id=21&tx_ttnews[tt_news]=403&tx_ttnews[backPid]=210&cHash=e8d184b7e2
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