Funny to think that this weekend is the final weekend in the regular season. It seems like it has gone so fast - which it has.
This weekend the girls have a game on Saturday and the men's team have two games. One on Saturday and one on Sunday. This weekend the men's team could take the second spot in our conference if the team above us lose and we win both.
The girls team is fighting to make the playoffs. If they win they are in. If they lose they still have a chance to make it, but other teams would have to lose.
Thursday, July 30, 2009
Link to Story for July 26th games
When I wrote the blog about the games on July 26th, the stories/writeups from the games were not up on the web. So here are the links to them.
Women's story:[tt_news]=418&tx_ttnews[backPid]=210&cHash=c6b5e57ed1
Men's story:[tt_news]=419&tx_ttnews[backPid]=210&cHash=c65fd07b5b
Women's story:[tt_news]=418&tx_ttnews[backPid]=210&cHash=c6b5e57ed1
Men's story:[tt_news]=419&tx_ttnews[backPid]=210&cHash=c65fd07b5b
The 6th
This past weekend Katy, Quincy and I went into the city and spent the evening seeing some different things and watching a good movie. We headed into the city in the afternoon and spent part of the afternoon at the museum. There we checked out the dinosaur exhibits-it was kind of funny to see that there are some different species of dinosaur then we are used to hearing. We visited a mind and body exhibit, saw some aboriginal art work and tools/canoes/weapons/crafts and got to see the first computer ever made in Australia. Needless to say it took up the whole room it was in. They also had a giant squid on display that was huge that you could look at - pretty interesting.
When we went in we were hoping to catch the 6:00 movie, but it was sold out. Instead we got tickets to the 9:00 show. That meant that from 5:00 when the museum closed we had another 4
hours until the show started. We decided to look for a Church. The one we found was St. Patrick's Cathedral and it was pretty big. We went to the 6:00 mass. It was interesting seeing such a big
place with only a few people in it. Here for mass it is basically the same however some of the prayers have some different words in them in certain spots. This was also the first mass I think I have ever been to that has sung almost everything, even the Our Father. Everything else was the same, however it did seem as though they had incense going almost the whole time. But it was a nice service and we enjoyed it.

From there off to find some food as we were starving. We went over to Brunswick Street and looked for something. Here we found The Old Colonial and with $10 roast of the day (Beef, with veggies and mash potatoes) Quincy and I thought it would be a great meal. Well, when we got our food they had messed up right away and given us chips (fries) instead of mash potatoes. So I asked them to bring me some out. For the meat-I want you to picture taking your shoe off, putting it up to your mouth, and now try to take a big bite out of it. The meat was not tender. It was almost impossible to cut, we tried holding a slice of it in our hand and, caveman style, trying to rip a piece off with our teeth. Eventually a piece would come but it was work to get to that point. We wondered how you could get meat the tough. I do have to say that 2 out of the 4 pieces weren't too bad but the other 2 were ridiculous. Needless to say they wouldn't have won Masterchef with food like that and I don't think we will be heading back there anytime soon. In spite of our choice, Katy was the smart one-she got a burger, and it was great. Very tender and juicy. I have to say I was a little jealous when she let me sink my teeth into that nice patty.
Then it was time to head back to the "theatre."
The screen we went to see the movie on was huge. The IMAX in Melbourne has the third largest screen in the world and it was great. The movie we went to see was Harry Potter 6. Last week we spent quite a bit of time watching the first 5 so we could hit up the IMAX for the 6th. The show was great as the first probably 30 minutes of it were in 3D. It was so cool to see the 3D perspective.
It made you really feel is if you were there. I hope all movies will be like that in a short period of time. Not sure if you get into those sort of movies but I have to say that it was one of the best Potter movies yet. Ive read the books and thought they left out some stuff but as far as the movie and the special effects it was great. Both Katy and Quincy liked it as well. We did think the ending left you hanging a little but it is definitely setting you up for the 7th book's 2 movies which I cant wait for. July 2010 the first of the 2 will be out, so we still have a couple months to wait.

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Since our anniversary was on Tuesday we decided we would plan something on Wednesday as we both have practice on Tuesday nights. We decided we would go to Wicked - the musical about the Wicked Witch from Wizard of OZ. It tells the story of her life and gives you a different point of view than Dorothy's, which you see in Wizard of Oz. I think the musical is based on the book, Wicked.
Tickets for Wicked were $109 a piece which we thought would be well worth it. We went to get t
ickets on Monday when we were in the city getting my tooth out and the lady at the ticket counter told us that there is something called the Wicked ticket lottery. How it works is: you get to the show 2.5 hours early put your name into a draw and if you get chosen you get front row seats for $30 a piece. Since the closest seats were in the back anyway we thought we would give it a try.

So Wednesday came and we got there right at 5:30. We were one of about 4 couples there at that time and thought we wgad a great chance to get it. Well, they don't do the draw until 6:00, and as you can probably imagine, by 6:oo were about 2 of 70 or 80 people. Lots of luck right?
Well they started calling off the tickets and we moved right over by the ticket window so when they were done reading off the names we could be the first ones to buy tickets so we wouldn't be all the way in the very last row. And then, wouldn't you know, our name got called.
The tickets we ended up getting were dead center front row, it was awesome. We could
see everything perfectly. Although I think the voices of the singers could have been a little stronger or microphones turned up a little more, it was an awesome performance. Katy and I both said we would probably see it again if we had the chance. Or, go see a different musical as well, if we had the chance for that. This was the first Broadway-type musical Katy had ever seen and how great that she got to do it in the front row!

Needless to say we had an awesome time! What a great second year anniversary!
July 26 games
This weekend both the men's and women's teams were victorious.
The women's team played at 12:30 on Sunday afternoon. They played against Frankston, a team that they played a couple weeks ago and beat. Like usual, I was only able to watch the first half of Katy's game as I had to get ready for my game after that.
I have to say that Katy played very hard. She ran hard like she usually does, but this weekend she was able to get her hand on many rebounds, even if she didn't get the rebound, she was either close to it or tapped it out to a teammate. She also a couple very good passes, one of which I think was even a look away, where she slid the ball from her position past her defenders leg to her cutting teammate who got an easy layup. She had a nice put-back/alley oop sort of thing where the shot missed and was coming down from the hoop, Katy jumped, caught it in mid-air and put it back up (all at the same time). It looked pretty cool! Next time she will have to dunk it. :)
At the beginning of the game it looked like it was going to be a close game, but the girls just kept building on their lead and played tough the whole game through. In the end they ended up winning by about 20. Katy finished with 6 points, 7 rebounds, 1 steal and 3 assists in only 16 minutes.
For the men, we played the AIS (Australian Institute of Sport). The kids we played against, I think are about 18 and 19 are supposed to be some of the best kids in Australia (the could shoot quite well).
We got out to an early lead in the first quarter and played tough. But, since they are very good shooters they got back into the game in the second quarter and at half time we only had a small lead. The second half was a grind where we built a lead and they came back, built a little lead and they came back. In the end though we were just too much. They relied on the 3-pointer a lot and when it was going in they stayed close but once they started missing they struggled and we ended up winning by about 10. Since the team we played against were younger they were sort of skinny. Both me and the other big guy on our team ended up fouling out. Our coaches said that we got screwed with some of the calls but at least we still got the win.
Next weekend is the last weekend in the regular season. The girls have one game and the men's team has two-one on Saturday and one on Sunday. If we can win both and have Knox, who is in the second spot in our conference lose, we will get that spot. This would be a big boost for us in finals as we would get the double chance - where if we lost the first we would still get another chance. So we will see what next weekend brings.
The women's team played at 12:30 on Sunday afternoon. They played against Frankston, a team that they played a couple weeks ago and beat. Like usual, I was only able to watch the first half of Katy's game as I had to get ready for my game after that.
I have to say that Katy played very hard. She ran hard like she usually does, but this weekend she was able to get her hand on many rebounds, even if she didn't get the rebound, she was either close to it or tapped it out to a teammate. She also a couple very good passes, one of which I think was even a look away, where she slid the ball from her position past her defenders leg to her cutting teammate who got an easy layup. She had a nice put-back/alley oop sort of thing where the shot missed and was coming down from the hoop, Katy jumped, caught it in mid-air and put it back up (all at the same time). It looked pretty cool! Next time she will have to dunk it. :)
At the beginning of the game it looked like it was going to be a close game, but the girls just kept building on their lead and played tough the whole game through. In the end they ended up winning by about 20. Katy finished with 6 points, 7 rebounds, 1 steal and 3 assists in only 16 minutes.
For the men, we played the AIS (Australian Institute of Sport). The kids we played against, I think are about 18 and 19 are supposed to be some of the best kids in Australia (the could shoot quite well).
We got out to an early lead in the first quarter and played tough. But, since they are very good shooters they got back into the game in the second quarter and at half time we only had a small lead. The second half was a grind where we built a lead and they came back, built a little lead and they came back. In the end though we were just too much. They relied on the 3-pointer a lot and when it was going in they stayed close but once they started missing they struggled and we ended up winning by about 10. Since the team we played against were younger they were sort of skinny. Both me and the other big guy on our team ended up fouling out. Our coaches said that we got screwed with some of the calls but at least we still got the win.
Next weekend is the last weekend in the regular season. The girls have one game and the men's team has two-one on Saturday and one on Sunday. If we can win both and have Knox, who is in the second spot in our conference lose, we will get that spot. This would be a big boost for us in finals as we would get the double chance - where if we lost the first we would still get another chance. So we will see what next weekend brings.
Thursday, July 23, 2009
Tooth Pull
This week I had to get one of my teeth pulled. It is one of the back teeth on the bottom. I have to say the tooth was very awkward to have it pulled. It felt like the lady screwed something into my tooth and then twisted my tooth around, back and forth until it came out. It actually broke one time and half of the tooth came out then she had to the whole process over again until it came out. Then she had to scrape the infection out that was underneath. It was a good thin I had it done. The local anesthetic was great. I really couldn't feel anything there for the 1st 2 hours. After it wore off though I was in some pain. I had a prescription for codeine, but it didn't seem to work. I tried some Ibuprofen but that didn't seem to work all that well either. Luckily my roommate had something that helped. It sort of knocked me out and made me quite tired, but the rest was welcomed. Over the last couple of days it has been sore but nothing like that first day. With a couple ibuprofen its hard to tell that there is much pain at all. , although it does feel weird to have a hole in my mouth. Now, hopefully, in a couple months I can get something to put there-some sort of tooth prosthetic or something. We'll see what happens.
Saturday, July 18, 2009
Split Weekend
This weekend was a split weekend for the Cobras.
Katy said it was a tough game. She said that they won every category of statistics - rebounds, number of shots attempts, steals, blocks, every category except shooting percentage. The other team won one category - shooting percentage. I guess they shot something like 55%. Pretty good and hard to beat. Hopefully the girls will be able to get back on track this coming weekend
The girls had a tough night up in Albury.
For the men's team it was a different story, we had a good win. The first quarter was a tight one, I
think they ended up a couple points on top in the first and then in the second we played great defence and with one of the guys hitting a three from almost half court at the buzzer we took a 15 point lead into halftime. The second quarter was good because the past couple of years the guys said that it is usually Geelong that makes the big run and so it was good the tables were turned. The second half was a battle. They ended up coming back within 4 in the final quarter, but with solid defence we were strong enough to hold them off.

It was a good win for us. The atmosphere was great as there were a lot of people there. When Geelong started to come back it got very loud in the stadium. It was a fun place to play. The guys on our team said that they haven't won there in quite a few years so it was nice to get one.
Our hunt for second spot still continues. The team we are chasing also won this weekend so we will just need to keep winning and hope they lose one.
Link to girl's story:[tt_news]=414&tx_ttnews[backPid]=210&cHash=f9964c7ce1
Friday, July 17, 2009
Geelong Preview July 18th
This Saturday, today, we play Geelong at Geelong. Our season is getting down toward the end and we only have three weeks (four games) to go in the regular season. Where we are sitting at the moment in comparison with the other teams in the conference is: we are tied with Knox right now. If we win out and they lose one game we will have the second spot. The top four teams from each conference make finals. The top two have a bonus on their side where if they lose the first game they get a second chance as it is double elimination for the top two teams.
This weekend will be a good game as Geelong got us the first time but I don't think we played the best against them. Geelong will be a pretty loud place as they usually get a pretty nice crowd. The Stadium there is probably the best we play at. I think there used to be a NBL (Natioanl League) team in Geelong and the stadium is the same on they used to use. For introductions, the shut the lights off and have the spot lights that go around and each player runs out of the hallway/tunnel. Geelong, at least when we played them last year, had a lot of fans there I would imagine it would be exactly the same way this year. I think they get some of the best crowds in the competition, so it will a good atmosphere to play in.
After the weekend off last weekend the girls will be looking to finish off the season with three big wins as they only have 3 games to go. This weekend is one of the rare weekends where we don't play at the same place. This weekend the girls are taking the 4 hour drive north-east to Albury whereas we are down in Geelong. Right now the girls are looking to finish right in the middle of the mix for finals and with three wins might be able to improve their spot. One of the girls didn't practice this week because of an injury and might be out this weekend, so it will be interesting to see how the rotations will go. Hopefully Katy will be able to get some more time as she is still working just as hard as ever.
Link to both games preview:[tt_news]=411&tx_ttnews[backPid]=210&cHash=a7e2204aeb
This weekend will be a good game as Geelong got us the first time but I don't think we played the best against them. Geelong will be a pretty loud place as they usually get a pretty nice crowd. The Stadium there is probably the best we play at. I think there used to be a NBL (Natioanl League) team in Geelong and the stadium is the same on they used to use. For introductions, the shut the lights off and have the spot lights that go around and each player runs out of the hallway/tunnel. Geelong, at least when we played them last year, had a lot of fans there I would imagine it would be exactly the same way this year. I think they get some of the best crowds in the competition, so it will a good atmosphere to play in.
After the weekend off last weekend the girls will be looking to finish off the season with three big wins as they only have 3 games to go. This weekend is one of the rare weekends where we don't play at the same place. This weekend the girls are taking the 4 hour drive north-east to Albury whereas we are down in Geelong. Right now the girls are looking to finish right in the middle of the mix for finals and with three wins might be able to improve their spot. One of the girls didn't practice this week because of an injury and might be out this weekend, so it will be interesting to see how the rotations will go. Hopefully Katy will be able to get some more time as she is still working just as hard as ever.
Link to both games preview:[tt_news]=411&tx_ttnews[backPid]=210&cHash=a7e2204aeb
Frankston Game
Well, this weekend we didn't have that different of a result than we did two weeks ago. We played hard and we stayed close until the forth quarter. Then towards the end of the 4th quarter the game tipped in favor of Frankston. Two weeks ago when we played Frankston they hit a 3 pointer with 20 seconds to go that put them ahead. The kid that hit that 3 pointer, I think, only had three points in that game but they were that final three points. This game it was a similar story. With a couple minutes to go the same kid hit two three pointers in a row. Again he only had 6 points in the game, but they came at a crucial time In the end those two threes just proved to be too much to come back from and Frankston went on from there to build the lead and ended up beating us by 13. It was a tough loss but we still have four games to go and can finish in a good spot.
Link to the story:[tt_news]=409&tx_ttnews[backPid]=210&cHash=249592ecde
Link to the story:[tt_news]=409&tx_ttnews[backPid]=210&cHash=249592ecde
Friday, July 10, 2009
July 11th preview - Frankston

This week on Wednesday morning two of Katy's friends from high school flew out to visit us: Natalie and Janette. We were both very excited to see them. Katy and I met them at the airport to pick them up and headed straight into the city. We drove them around to see some of the sights: Flinders Street Station, Skydeck building, Federation Square, we went over to St Kilda and got see some of the Central Business District. We also took them to Queen Victoria Market. There we grabbed lunch and when we sat down to eat we sat next to some other people from Wisconsin who were on the same flight out as Natalie and Janette. We gave them many tips of where to go and hopefully some things they will be able to use to have a good trip here.
Yesterday, Thursday morning, Katy an the girls took off down to the great Ocean Road. I talked to them Yesterday and they said they had made it to the surf shops in Torquay and slept in Apollo Bay last night. Today they were supposed to have surf lessons but when they showed up the surf shop said they were not ale to go as there were no waves. I think the girls were pretty bummed but they decided to just get an early start and hopefully they would be able to see more things today then that they might not have been able to see. I
know tonight they were planning on going to the 12 apostles but haven't talk to them yet to see if they made it.

Weekend vs Knox

On Saturday night the girls team kicked off the battle for the ashes with the first game. I was able to see the 1st half and the game looked pretty good. The girls were playing pretty well. The were getting the ball up the court pretty quick and were passing it pretty well. They did turn the ball over a couple times but it looked like something that they would be able to fix in the second half. From what I heard and what Katy told me they did anything but that. I guess they had a tough time getting the ball past half court. Katy said it reminded her of one of her basketball games at State when they had the same problem. I think it was pretty frustrating for the girls as they started the half about even and then ended up losing by about 20. The part of the game that I saw, Katy played quite well. She made some shots and was doing a great job posting up and sealing her girls on fastbreaks. I think she probably should have had more consistent time on court as she works very hard and it is plain to see.
Our game was a little different story. We needed to win this game to get us closer to the second spot in our conference. We started out the game on a little run and got out to a nice lead. We ended up winning the first quarter. I think the stats are quite good when we win the first quarter. Out of all the games where we have won the first quarter we have won the game except for the two of them. One was to Brisbane, who is at the top of our conference and the other was to Frankston, who is at the top of the other conference (who we played two weekends ago and this coming weekend). After we got on top early we never really looked back. Even though we had the lead and they fought back a time or two we were just able to hold them off when they made their runs at us. Two weekends ago I wasn't very happy at how I played. I didn't think I took the ball as hard to the hoop as I should and I wanted to better at that this past weekend. I felt like I took the ball a little bit harder, I didn't make as many as would have wanted, but next weekend is another weekend and hopefully I can improve on that.In the end we ended up winning by 8.
Even though we won by 8 Kilsyth ended up losing the ashes trophy to Knox. The way the figure the winner out is: if they women lose by 20 the men would need to win by 21. Since we only won by 8 it wasn't enough to cover the difference and because of that Knox keeps the trophy until next year.
Link to women's story:[tt_news]=403&tx_ttnews[backPid]=210&cHash=e8d184b7e2
Friday, July 3, 2009
Link to Upcoming Weekend's Story

Link to prview-Battle for the Ashes:[tt_news]=399&tx_ttnews[backPid]=210&cHash=a101bc1f4a
The game this weekend against Knox is called the Battle for the Ashes. A couple years ago Club Kilsyth (the dinner restaurant and bar) burned to the ground and the trophy that we play for in this game has some of the things that actually burned in the fire. There are some $20 notes that melted together, some coins and one other thing that got burned in the fire.
Cairns Taipans Tryout

I thought the tryout went okay and am at the moment am waiting to hear if they want to go ahead and sign me or if they are going to go in a different direction. I think I will find out early next week. Hopefully I can play well this weekend because I think it will help them make their decision.
Cairns is in the Northern part of Australia. This is where Katy and I went for our end of the season trip last year. When I went up to Cairns it was a quite a bit hotter than it was down here in Melbourne. Here in Melbourne when we play we have to have jackets on to warm up and sometimes when we are done you can see the steam rolling off our heads-something I didn't think could happen inside a gym and only something that would happen when football players took off their helmets. It was a little bit of a shock as Cairns is a very warm place. Needless to say I sweated a lotta bit in the 80 degree temperatures. Hopefully it will be something we will have the chance to get used to in the future.
Check back next week to hear the news and whether or not we will be heading to Cairns once the season here at Kilsyth is finished.
Last weekend in June - Games
Sorry I am a little late with this post
This past weekend was a big weekend for both the men's and the women's teams. We both had doubles. Saturday night we played at Kilsyth and Sunday we both played down at Frankston.
For the womens team:
Saturday night they played Nunawading. This was the team that beat them a month and a half ago on a last second shot at the buzzer. It was a hard loss for them but they have bounced back nicely with a long win streak. Saturday night they played hard again and the game was close the whole way. In the end though Nunawading was just too much and ended up beating the girls by 5 points.
Sunday the girls were out to make up what they lost on Saturday night with a win on Sunday. Right from the get-go the girls played well. Frankston had a tall girl who was able to get some points, but Kilsyth played well as a team and were too much for Frankston. They won 85-69. Even though they had a little hiccup on Saturday night they are back on their winning ways and can hopefully continue it next week.
For the men's team we also split for the weekend, winning one game and losing one. The game we won was Saturday night when we played Canberra. This was a big win for us as we are fighting to gain the third spot in our conference. We played hard the whole game and did not give up the lead we got in the first quarter. This game we shared the ball around very well and ran our offence quite well....something that has plagued us in the past.
Sunday we played one of the top teams in our league. They have only lost one game. We started off the game very well and built ourselves a little lead. We kept the lead through the second and and half time were up by a few. The third quarter they came back.. This past week we watched the forth quarter as a team and saw that we were a little stagnant. We didn't move the ball very well and we didn't move the ball that well on offence. We did play fairly good defence and didn't let them get out to a big lead in the forth quarter. The forth quarter neither team scored many points at all. With 20 seconds to go in the game Frankston hit a 3 pointer. We had a chance to go down the court and got a decent look but it just didn't go in. In the end we lost by 3 points. It was a tough loss because they are on of the top team and if we would have beat them we could have put ourselves in a very good spot for finals.
Link to women's story:[tt_news]=397&tx_ttnews[backPid]=210&cHash=1ab3148f5b
Link to men's story:[tt_news]=396&tx_ttnews[backPid]=210&cHash=80b2242ca5
This coming weekend we play our biggest rival: Knox. The girls play first and then the mens game is after. There should be a lot of people at this game and the atmosphere w ill be a good atmosphere. Hopefully the fans will get very loud and we will be able to use that to our advantage. For me personally I didn't play that great against Frankston so I will be looking to have a good game tomorrow night!
Check back next week to see how we did.
This past weekend was a big weekend for both the men's and the women's teams. We both had doubles. Saturday night we played at Kilsyth and Sunday we both played down at Frankston.
For the womens team:
Saturday night they played Nunawading. This was the team that beat them a month and a half ago on a last second shot at the buzzer. It was a hard loss for them but they have bounced back nicely with a long win streak. Saturday night they played hard again and the game was close the whole way. In the end though Nunawading was just too much and ended up beating the girls by 5 points.
Sunday the girls were out to make up what they lost on Saturday night with a win on Sunday. Right from the get-go the girls played well. Frankston had a tall girl who was able to get some points, but Kilsyth played well as a team and were too much for Frankston. They won 85-69. Even though they had a little hiccup on Saturday night they are back on their winning ways and can hopefully continue it next week.
For the men's team we also split for the weekend, winning one game and losing one. The game we won was Saturday night when we played Canberra. This was a big win for us as we are fighting to gain the third spot in our conference. We played hard the whole game and did not give up the lead we got in the first quarter. This game we shared the ball around very well and ran our offence quite well....something that has plagued us in the past.
Sunday we played one of the top teams in our league. They have only lost one game. We started off the game very well and built ourselves a little lead. We kept the lead through the second and and half time were up by a few. The third quarter they came back.. This past week we watched the forth quarter as a team and saw that we were a little stagnant. We didn't move the ball very well and we didn't move the ball that well on offence. We did play fairly good defence and didn't let them get out to a big lead in the forth quarter. The forth quarter neither team scored many points at all. With 20 seconds to go in the game Frankston hit a 3 pointer. We had a chance to go down the court and got a decent look but it just didn't go in. In the end we lost by 3 points. It was a tough loss because they are on of the top team and if we would have beat them we could have put ourselves in a very good spot for finals.
Link to women's story:[tt_news]=397&tx_ttnews[backPid]=210&cHash=1ab3148f5b
Link to men's story:[tt_news]=396&tx_ttnews[backPid]=210&cHash=80b2242ca5
This coming weekend we play our biggest rival: Knox. The girls play first and then the mens game is after. There should be a lot of people at this game and the atmosphere w ill be a good atmosphere. Hopefully the fans will get very loud and we will be able to use that to our advantage. For me personally I didn't play that great against Frankston so I will be looking to have a good game tomorrow night!
Check back next week to see how we did.
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