Thursday, December 18, 2014


Here in toyama there is a lot of snow. According to Wikipedia this place gets about 12 feet of snow a year. The temperature though hovers right about 32 degrees (freezing) so once we get snow it usually starts to melt within a couple days. That 12 feet of snow doesn't continuously accumulate throughout the winter and leave snow banks impossible to see over. I think it would be kind of cool if the snow was that high but it doesn't stick around long enough to form a magical white wall that even Elsa of Frozen could be proud of.
The last few times we have gotten snow we have gotten more than just a dusting. Two days ago in the morning it started snowing and snowed/sleetied pretty much continuously until the middle of the day yesterday. I am not sure of the exact amount but We got at least 14 inches of snow in this time period.
(My shoes are size 14)
Of course today though it has started to melt as it was about 45 degrees (7 degrees Celsius). So even though we got a lot of snow and everything looks great with a white covering I don't think it will take too long to melt if it stays this warm. The girls enjoy the snow and with the melt on we will just have to wait another week to get a good snowfall to go and play again.

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