Saturday, November 29, 2014


Today we got our elf-he appeared. If you know what elf on the shelf is then you know what I am talking about. For those of you that don't, you have an elf that you put in a different place everyday leading up to Christmas. Every night the elf then flies back to Santa and tells him whether you are naughty or nice. He then reappears the next morning in a different spot . Sometimes he is hard to find and it is a game for the kids to see if they can locate him.  In our house the favorite game at the moment is hide and seek so our elf will fit in nicely.
As part of the tradition of elf on the shelf you have to name your elf as soon as he comes. So, today we let Myla choose a name. I am not sure where it came from but she named the elf Hanawelle (Hana-well-wee). We all thought this was a really cool name and good way to start our elf in the shelf tradition.
Hanawelle on the tv

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