Well, I made it back to Japan safely this year. My flight on Air Canada over the ocean was great. The wonderful stewardesses gave me extra meals for both meal services (1 extra meal on the first meal service and 2 extra meals on the second) and were very friendly. Would definitely recommend that airline if you have the chance to fly with them.
Even the though the flight over was nice the trip didn't go without a hiccup. When I got to Tokyo I went to get my bag from the baggage claim, but instead of my blue suitcase coming around on the carousel I was greeted with a green plastic bin that said "Joseph Werner please see an airline employee." Well, because I am smart I knew I probably hadn't won $5 or something really cool like that and something, probably no good, was up. I was right. I was informed that my bag hadn't made the trip. I guess it wanted to spend some more time in Vancouver, where I flew from, and didn't make it to Tokyo......................fantastic (sarcastic). Its not that big of deal, only that I have pretty much everything I need in there. But I guess I can always cut two holes in a garbage bag and put it on if I need some more undies, so no big deal.
Other than that though alls well and it is nice to be here.
This year we will be in Toyama, Japan.

The past 2 seasons we have been in Chiba (on the east side of Tokyo) and Kyoto (right next to Osaka). This year we are pretty much right in the middle of those two places, only to the north. This team has been pretty successful the past couple of years and we are hoping to have another successful season again. Katy and the girls will be coming over in a couple weeks once I can get the apartment situated and set up (and I am already excited for them to come).
According to wikipedia:
Toyama Prefecture (富山県 Toyama-ken?) is a prefecture (state) of Japan located in the Hokuriku region on the main Honshu island (main Island of Japan). The capital is the city of Toyama.
Toyama is the leading industrial prefecture on the Japan Sea
coast, and has the industrial advantage of cheap electricity from
abundant hydroelectric resources. It also contains East Asia’s only glaciers outside Russia, first recognized in 2012.
The city we will live in, Toyama city, has about 417,000 people.
View the rest of the blog here: http://katyandjoey.blogspot.jp/ and thanks for reading