Thursday, December 27, 2012

Hard Off?

What if I told you there was an arena here called Hard Off - what would you think goes on there? If your three guesses had to with: balls, getting down and dirty and an 18 yr old age limit, 2 of your guesses would be correct - it has to do with a baseball stadium.
A couple weeks ago we played up north in Niigata. As we were driving to one of our games I saw a sign for Hard Off stadium. I had to admit I chuckled a little to myself as I didnt see that one coming. Here in Japan there are a series of stores with the ending of 'off.' Hard Off, at least to me, has to have to most interesting name of the group but others include Garage Off, Off House, Book Off, Mode Off and Hobby Off. All are 2nd hand goods stores specific to a certain type of good and the stores are quite large (as an example hard off sells hardware, book off sells books, dvds, cloths, purses, sporting goods) We actually got a lot of Mylas b-day presents at Book Off and saved a lot of money.
If we need something these are the stores we will probably look to first. They are great stores and seem to have most everything but I have to say the names are a little eye-catching.
Its probably a good thing that the Hard Off stadium is a baseball stadium and doesnt have anything to do with the bj basketball league I play in.
I can see it now.....tonights matchup at Hard Off features two greats from the bj league -
now that might need an under 18 warning :)

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