Thursday, February 16, 2012

Snow - Salt right? (Living in Austria)

This is an old entry that I had written and forgot to post online. Its a little late and irrelevant, but it shows a little more into what living in Austria is like.

For the most part of this winter we have enjoyed warmer weather and very little snow (the exception being the last 2 weeks where it has been very cold and the last 5 days where it seems to have snowed every day). With the multiple days of snow there was a lot of shoveling that needed to be done and, you would think, salt needed to be put down so people wouldn't slip. Well, over here they do it a little different. Instead of having a big bucket of salt and walking around and throwing it down to melt the ice/snow, they have little "trucks" that they drive around on the sidewalks that put down rocks. The rocks aren't very big, maybe the size of a dime, but I guess they are supposed to help give you traction while walking on a slippery surface. I am not certain what they put on the roads but my guess is that it would be the same thing. Then once it gets warmer they hop in the little machines and come around and pick up the rocks to use again for the next. I dont think they work quite as well as the salt we would use back home, but it seems that they have a pretty slick system and if nobody falls and gets hurt it must be working.

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