Sunday, November 20, 2011

....back again

Hello...the last couple weeks have been very busy. Last week we had 2 games, both of which we won, but I haven't had a lot of time to get on here and make some posts, but I think I will be able to get back on track this next week.
I have to start by saying good luck to all the people heading out huntin this week(end). I know there will be plenty of years in the future I will be able to go, but I wish I could be hitting the woods with you. I guess I will have to live through all the stories, so I hope to hear some good ones.
Anyway, I figures since it was opening weekend I have to put a video on here of one of huntings best songs:
And I figure even though I cant be there I'll put my blaze orange mad bomber hat on that I brought over here and be there in spirit.

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