Saturday, April 2, 2011


T-shirt time! and I don't mean a cheezy Jersey Shore (crazy U.S. tv show) slogan, I mean it has been very nice here today and the past week. Today it got up to 70 degrees and tomorrow it is supposed to be up 73. It nice to be able to put a pair of shorts and t-shirt on to go outside.
Another thing that nice weather brings is that nice cars start coming out of hibernation. If you just drove through Wels you might not know it but it is a pretty wealthy city, or at least there are some people here that have some money. And some of these people have some nice cars. The past week I have seen Porsches, a Ferrari, a Lamborghini, Maseratis and some nice Audis. Its great to drive down the street and see some really cool cars going by.
The only disappointing thing about the spring is that we cant find any Lilacs over here. It always seems that the spring smells better with Lilacs...maybe we'll keep looking.

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