Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Day off - Gmunden

A couple weeks ago we had a day off on a Sunday. Where we are in Austria, we are about 25 minutes away from the start of the alps. So Katy and I decided that we would go there for the day and check it out.
The city we decided to go to is called Gmunden. It is a very picturesque place as it is located right on a lake with mountains surrounding the lake. The city is kind of like the beginning to the alps (at least in this area).
The water of the lake is very clear and you could see right through it to the bottom. They had a little walking path by the lake and an area where you could sit and relax, so we did that. From where we were sitting we saw two guy hop into a small boat and head out fishing. We should have brought our poles :) - next time maybe.
After we relaxed for a while we crossed a foot bridge and went out to the restaurant/hotel that was on a tiny island. It was really nice. The had a big rocking chair on a dock and you can bet we took advantage of that for a while.
Then instead of heading back we decided to take a drive up into the mountains a little ways. We werent really too sure where we were going just wanted to see what we could see. Turned out we on the road to another beautiful lake - Langbathsee. This one was surrounded by woods and had one lone lake house on the other side. The water here too was very clear and when we put our hand into it, very cold like it had just run down from the top of the mountain.
We are definitley going to head back to the alps (try a different place next time) when we have another day off.

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