Sunday, March 28, 2010

Grocery Store Part I

I thought I would tell you about the grocery stores here and how they might be a little different than they are back home.

When you go to the grocery store here and you want a shopping cart you cant just take one, you have to put a .50€ coin or a 1€ coin in the coin slot of the cart. Each cart is attatched to each other by a chain and to separate them you need the coins. Or you can use a little plastic piece that is in the shape of a coin. We got lucky and found one of those right away so we have been using htat every time we need a cart.

In the store, things are pretty much similar.

In the produce department, they have a lot of different kinds of cabbage, kinds that we dont have in the states. Not sure in the states, but here you can get a big bag of potatoes for really cheap.

Here peanut butter isnt a very big thing, they only have one or two types of peanut butter. Hazelnut spread, nuttela is a lot more popular over here.

The cereal aisle of the grocery store is much smaller than the ones back home. Here they only have a couple boxes of cereal rather than the 100's we have back home.

Here they have many different types of pickles.

When you go the meat department in the meat case they have a lot wursts (like sausages). Some are quite different than what we have back home. Some look like they have random things in them, but they are quite popular. Here they dont really have the deli meat like back home. Well, they have it but to buy roast beef for sandwiches is €3.99 for 100 grams. So if you want a kilo of it (2.2 pounds) it will cost you €39.90. Or $50. Kind of expensive. Needless to say Katy and I dont do the deli meats for our sandwiches at lunch. We buy small chickens, the frozen ones - cook them up and use that meat for our sandwiches. Very good!

Eggs - Here eggs come in 10 packs, instead of 12 packs and you dont have a selection of Jumbo, extra large, large, your pack you could get any size and Katy and I usually try to look for the bigger ones. Here the eggs are not kept in the cooler or refrigerator, rather just in an aisle at room temperature. They are also not all the same color. Sometimes you will get brown eggs and sometimes you will get white eggs.

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