With just over 30 days to go until our due date we are really looking at names and trying to narrow it down. While going through different names and different lists of names we are getting some names picked out, but now that we are back in Austria it has been fun to really listen to the different names and see how different some of them are from the ones we like and the ones we are used to hearing back home (at least from where we are from back home). We thought we would share some of the names that we have heard over here and how they are pronounced.
Birgit (pronounced Beer-git)
Sabine (sah-bean-eh)
Johana (Yo-ha-na)
Elfi (El-fee)
Sigrid (Cig-rid)
Lena (Lay-nah)
Astrid (Ah-strid)
Jutta (You-ta)
Ernst (pronounced Air'nst)
Romed (Ro-med)
Moritz (More-its)
Florian (Floor-ee-an)
Hannes (Ha-nes)
Bernd (Bear'nt)
Enis (Ee-nis)
Monday, August 29, 2011
Saturday, August 27, 2011
Changing rooms?.....why?
A couple days ago we went to the pool as it was really hot out. It was nice to get in the cold refreshing water and get out of the heat for a little while.
When we went to the lake the other day I mentioned that there were a bunch of little kids running around with nothing but their brithday suits on. Here in Austria people in general are more free and that is something that is just ordinary. Well, when we were at the pool there was also a little kid running around without anything on, and as the day went on I'm sure there were would have been more kids running around like that, as there wasn't many people there early in the morning.
Well, the kids running around naked isn't real crazy I guess, but what about an adult? The pool has changing rooms but Im not sure if there are used that often or not. While we were hanging out in the pool I happened to see a guy, probably in his 40's, take off his clothes (all of them) and put his speedo on.
I kind of looked around wondering if others saw the same thing thinking that this was strange, but no one paid any attention to it like it wasn't anything out of the ordinary. People didnt have there iphones out nor did the cops jump out of the bushes for a public indecency arrest or ticket. Its just normal.
We feel pretty comfortable over here in Austria, but I am just not sure we would ever be that comfortable to drop trou in public and let the world in on our business.
But it was nice to go hang out at the pool for a little while.

When we went to the lake the other day I mentioned that there were a bunch of little kids running around with nothing but their brithday suits on. Here in Austria people in general are more free and that is something that is just ordinary. Well, when we were at the pool there was also a little kid running around without anything on, and as the day went on I'm sure there were would have been more kids running around like that, as there wasn't many people there early in the morning.
Well, the kids running around naked isn't real crazy I guess, but what about an adult? The pool has changing rooms but Im not sure if there are used that often or not. While we were hanging out in the pool I happened to see a guy, probably in his 40's, take off his clothes (all of them) and put his speedo on.

I kind of looked around wondering if others saw the same thing thinking that this was strange, but no one paid any attention to it like it wasn't anything out of the ordinary. People didnt have there iphones out nor did the cops jump out of the bushes for a public indecency arrest or ticket. Its just normal.
We feel pretty comfortable over here in Austria, but I am just not sure we would ever be that comfortable to drop trou in public and let the world in on our business.
But it was nice to go hang out at the pool for a little while.
Wednesday, August 24, 2011
Heat Wave
All summer long here in Austria there have been a few nice days but mostly it has been cooler and rainy. This plast week there has a been total change in weather. I think we must have brought the warm weather over with us when we came.
I guess all across Europe there is a big heat wave. Noramlly this wouldn't be a big deal but there doesn't seem too many air conditioners here and a couple of the guys live on upper floors of apartment buildings. Needless to say it is quite hot and the gym doesn't offer much relief, if any at all from the heat. But, I guess it could be worse, like 100+ days we had back home in July, and what doesn't hurt you only makes you stronger. Hopefully though in the next couple days it will cool down a little and we can get a little break from the heat.
Yesterday I dropped Katy off by the river close to the pool, and it was completely packed. There were cars all over the parking lot.
After sitting by the river for a little while Katy ended up going to the pool in the and said there were tons of people - she said it was a little confusing as it was in the early afternoon and it seemed like these people should be at work. But, when you have 5 weeks off for vacation (typical amount someone has for their job here in Austria) why not take a day off when its hot to go to the pool.

I guess all across Europe there is a big heat wave. Noramlly this wouldn't be a big deal but there doesn't seem too many air conditioners here and a couple of the guys live on upper floors of apartment buildings. Needless to say it is quite hot and the gym doesn't offer much relief, if any at all from the heat. But, I guess it could be worse, like 100+ days we had back home in July, and what doesn't hurt you only makes you stronger. Hopefully though in the next couple days it will cool down a little and we can get a little break from the heat.
Yesterday I dropped Katy off by the river close to the pool, and it was completely packed. There were cars all over the parking lot.

After sitting by the river for a little while Katy ended up going to the pool in the and said there were tons of people - she said it was a little confusing as it was in the early afternoon and it seemed like these people should be at work. But, when you have 5 weeks off for vacation (typical amount someone has for their job here in Austria) why not take a day off when its hot to go to the pool.
Cutting down the Mai-baum (May Tree)
This past weekend we got to see an Austrian Festival. We went with some friends back to one of their home villages and got to take part in a little town festival. We got there in the morning and there was a little tent area where people were selling some typical austrian food and there were some men playing some traditional Austria music on a chello and an accordian.
The idea around the festival was the cutting down of the "May tree." I dont really understand it but they put a tree up in the town in May (the tree is really tall - maybe 30 feet high - and there is no braches or bark on the first 25 feet, then at the top it looks like a little christmas tree. The tree or pole, below the christmas tree on top, is decorated with flags, different balls, and random things). The idea of of this festival, or the main part of it is the cutting of this tree. All day people eat, drink and listen to music and then at night (about 7:00) everyone gathers around and they cut the tree down.
I think the cutting of the tree signifies that the town will be prosperous (in the baby making area) for the coming year. I didn't quite understand it totally but we had a really good time and got to see a small Austrian mountain town tradition.
Tuesday, August 16, 2011
1st Week
The first week here was a good week. We got to see many people from last year and got to spend a little bit of time with some our friends. Katy and I both agree that even though we were home for 3, 3.5 months it feels like we never even left. We just sort of snuck right back into things here and it has been great coming back somewhere we feel comfortable.
When we got here on the first day we walked into out apartment and expected to find everything the way we left it. Not so...but in a good way. The lady who is in charge of the apartments this year really put a lot of work into our place and totally made it feel like a brand new place. She painted almost every wall, brought in a new table, changed the blinds on the windows, brought some news rugs in and decorated on of the walls with some paintings. We were so surprised when we walked in as we had no idea this had happened. The place has a totally different feel to it now - the atmosphere feels much lighter and brighter, and much more comfortable to be in.
The weather here is a little bit different than it was back home when we left. Back home it was shorts and t-shirt weather, here it is a little bit colder. If you go out in the morning or in the evening you need to have a long sleeve shirt or sweatshirt on or you will get a little chilly. We had a nice weekend this past weekend and the people here say that it was probably the last nice weekend (it got up to 82).
So I guess the tranisition to fall starts will start a little sooner here.
Speaking of this weekend, we went swimming with some friends on Sunday. The air was nice and warm but when you got in the water it was cold. We went swimming in a lake about an hour away from here, just at the base of some of the mountains. I think a lot of the water comes from the mountains and thats why it is so cold. It was a very pictuesque place and we spend half the day swimming, relaxing and playing games by the water. It was a blast. It was interesting when we were swimming to see the other people. Here things are a little bit more open or free (I guess you could say) and there were little kids all over the place who decided their swimsuit wasn't needed. Maybe up until 4 years old or so little kids were running around with nothing on. I guess its not that big of a deal, just a little out of the ordinary if you are not used to it. Oh, and I thought I might be out of place with my swim suit and find myself in a land of speedos, but a lot of the younger people have swimsuits or board shorts on. Who knows maybe if we get lucky enough to have another nice weekend and some time off from bball we can try to go again.
(After swimming we stopped at a little place to eat and you can see behind Katy the lake where we went swimming).
As far as basektball goes last week was a good week. It was nice to get back and see the guys from last year again and to meet a couple new teamates. We oficially start practice next Monday and 2 more guys will come in this weekend but it was nice to get some basketball work in last week with the guys we did have.
Other than that all is well from the land of Lederhosen, bubbly water and Schnitzel. I think we are finally starting to adjust to the time difference and are starting to be able to sleep through the whole night.....a definite positive.
Check back next week to see how things are and until then hope all is well wherever you might be.
When we got here on the first day we walked into out apartment and expected to find everything the way we left it. Not so...but in a good way. The lady who is in charge of the apartments this year really put a lot of work into our place and totally made it feel like a brand new place. She painted almost every wall, brought in a new table, changed the blinds on the windows, brought some news rugs in and decorated on of the walls with some paintings. We were so surprised when we walked in as we had no idea this had happened. The place has a totally different feel to it now - the atmosphere feels much lighter and brighter, and much more comfortable to be in.
The weather here is a little bit different than it was back home when we left. Back home it was shorts and t-shirt weather, here it is a little bit colder. If you go out in the morning or in the evening you need to have a long sleeve shirt or sweatshirt on or you will get a little chilly. We had a nice weekend this past weekend and the people here say that it was probably the last nice weekend (it got up to 82).
So I guess the tranisition to fall starts will start a little sooner here.
Speaking of this weekend, we went swimming with some friends on Sunday. The air was nice and warm but when you got in the water it was cold. We went swimming in a lake about an hour away from here, just at the base of some of the mountains. I think a lot of the water comes from the mountains and thats why it is so cold. It was a very pictuesque place and we spend half the day swimming, relaxing and playing games by the water. It was a blast. It was interesting when we were swimming to see the other people. Here things are a little bit more open or free (I guess you could say) and there were little kids all over the place who decided their swimsuit wasn't needed. Maybe up until 4 years old or so little kids were running around with nothing on. I guess its not that big of a deal, just a little out of the ordinary if you are not used to it. Oh, and I thought I might be out of place with my swim suit and find myself in a land of speedos, but a lot of the younger people have swimsuits or board shorts on. Who knows maybe if we get lucky enough to have another nice weekend and some time off from bball we can try to go again.
As far as basektball goes last week was a good week. It was nice to get back and see the guys from last year again and to meet a couple new teamates. We oficially start practice next Monday and 2 more guys will come in this weekend but it was nice to get some basketball work in last week with the guys we did have.
Other than that all is well from the land of Lederhosen, bubbly water and Schnitzel. I think we are finally starting to adjust to the time difference and are starting to be able to sleep through the whole night.....a definite positive.
Check back next week to see how things are and until then hope all is well wherever you might be.
Monday, August 15, 2011
We made it
Well, we made it back safe and sound, although our trip almost didn't happen.
Our flight over here was in 2 parts. The first one was from Chicago to Philadelphia and that flight went without any problems. The second flight was from Philadelphia to Munich and this flight almost didnt happen. When we got on the plane in Philadelphia we got comfortable and situated like everyone else did. The stewardesses closed the doors and we were all set to go. Just before the pilot was getting ready to pull away from the gate he came over the intercom and told us that there was a good chance that Air Traffic Controllers in Germany were going to go on strike (meaning that the air space over Germany would not be open, meaning we wouldn't be able to fly into Munich)and that there would be an announcement in 10-15 minutes from the air traffic controllers in Germany. But for now the airline has told us that we cannot leave. So, we waited.
We kind of laughed a little about it, wondering what would have happened if we were half way over the ocean and the ruling came down that they were going to strike. Would we land in a different country - Italy, Austria, Netherlands - maybe we would have gotten a little holiday out of it :) - or would we turned around and came back.
Well, luckily for us the pilot came back on and said that they decided on four more weeks to try to come to an agreement, but for now the air space is open and we are free to take off.
So, other than that the trip back was good and we had some good friends pick us up at the airport and it was great to see them right away and catch up with them. Also, when we got back to Wels we got to see some familiar faces and friends and we both said it was nice to come back to a place where we know people and already feel comfortable, rather than coming in and not knowing anyone or really anything about the place we were coming to like we did last year.
Our flight over here was in 2 parts. The first one was from Chicago to Philadelphia and that flight went without any problems. The second flight was from Philadelphia to Munich and this flight almost didnt happen. When we got on the plane in Philadelphia we got comfortable and situated like everyone else did. The stewardesses closed the doors and we were all set to go. Just before the pilot was getting ready to pull away from the gate he came over the intercom and told us that there was a good chance that Air Traffic Controllers in Germany were going to go on strike (meaning that the air space over Germany would not be open, meaning we wouldn't be able to fly into Munich)and that there would be an announcement in 10-15 minutes from the air traffic controllers in Germany. But for now the airline has told us that we cannot leave. So, we waited.

We kind of laughed a little about it, wondering what would have happened if we were half way over the ocean and the ruling came down that they were going to strike. Would we land in a different country - Italy, Austria, Netherlands - maybe we would have gotten a little holiday out of it :) - or would we turned around and came back.
Well, luckily for us the pilot came back on and said that they decided on four more weeks to try to come to an agreement, but for now the air space is open and we are free to take off.
So, other than that the trip back was good and we had some good friends pick us up at the airport and it was great to see them right away and catch up with them. Also, when we got back to Wels we got to see some familiar faces and friends and we both said it was nice to come back to a place where we know people and already feel comfortable, rather than coming in and not knowing anyone or really anything about the place we were coming to like we did last year.
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