Valentine's day was also a good day. I had to get early to go to the weight room and workout with the team. But after that Katy and I had the day to ourselves. Here in Giessen they had a parade for Fasching (the big party before lent) and we went. For Fasching everybody dresses up in costumes, like Halloween back home, and goes and parties. So while we were watchign the pararde it wasnt just the parade that was fun it was seeing all the people in their costumes as well.
For the parade there were a lot of floats. And every float through something out, most of them tossing candy. Katy and I werent even trying that hard to get a lot of the candy but ended up coming home with fist fulls of the stuff as you couldnt help but get some. Sometimes when you werent even paying attention you would get hit by the stuff. Each float had a lot of people on it and pretty much everyone was throwing stuff out. We werent even near the beginning of the parade route so I cant imagine how much candy and other stuff they must have in their float to throw out, to start with. There were also floats that handed out little shots (little glass/plastice bottles) and if you ran up to the float they would give you some. Giessener Brauhaus also had a truck looking thing that if you ran up to the window it would serve you a beer. I have to say there were a couple people that had over-indulged even though it was early in the afternoon and a lot of the people on the floats looked like they were having a good time and well on their way too.
We left the parade with lots of candy and lots of pictures. We'll have to show them to you sometime. Then it was back home to a nice dinner, chocolate covered strawberries for dessert that we did ourselves, a few game of cribbage and a nice movie night. It was a great day, and a greta end to a good weekend. Hope last weekend was good for you as well.