After going to the Christmas market in Wiesbaden this past weekend we thought we would take advantage of me not having practice on Tuesday night and go to Marburg, a nearby city, for their Christmas market. We thought there was going to be many booths and we went armed with some money this time so we could get some gifts. When we got there we found something a little different. While there were booths, there might have been 15 or 20 of them and at least half were food stands. While we enjoyed walking around the base of the Cathedral (where the market was) it wasnt quite what we had in mind when we went there. We didnt get anything as there wasnt really much that interested us.
Even though the market was much smaller than we had hoped we still had a good time. On the street adjacent to where the market was they had a "tobaggon run" set up. This is a 60 meter run, on ice, where you sit on a saucer and go down the run. Katy and I both did it and enjoyed it. Below is the video of Katy's ride.
Since we didnt spend as much time in Marburg as we thought we would we decided to head back to Giessen and go to their Christmas market in the middle of town. In Giessen there are a couple booths but it is mostly food stands inbetween stores. We did have a good time though walking around and seeing the city center decorated for Christmas.