Monday, June 22, 2009
Weekend vs. Dandenong - June 20th
7 in row - The girls team is on a tear and are doing very well. They won their game again this past weekend. This weekend they also had a couple of girls missing. Two people were gone this weekend-two sisters and so it was probably a little confidence booster for the girls since they won with only 8. Again I only got to see the first half of Katy's game but like usual she played very hard. She didn't get as much time as I thought she should have, especially with how hard she works-but then again I might be a little biased, who knows :)
One of the girls on Katy's team, the American "import" on their team-Amy, earned SEABL player of the month honors for the month of May. Since Crazy Johns, a mobile phone company out here, is the sponsor of the league she got anew phone from them and I think either a plan or some minutes if it was pre-paid. Katy said it was kind of funny that she got the phone when she did. I guess the week before she had lost her phone and on Friday decided to go get a replacement. So, Friday she went and bought a new one (if you are not on a plan out here, which she probably wouldn't be as she is only here for a couple more months and most plans are for a year or more, the phones I think are pretty expensive). When she was honored before the game and given her new phone after the national anthem all the girls had a pretty good laugh.
For us this weekend it was a good game and a good win. Like I mentioned in my last post about passing the ball around and getting everyone involved, we did that very well this weekend. A lot of times we had a tendency to make one pass and then get shot up. Well when you do that it is not all that hard for the other team to play defence against you. We would sometimes get into that rut and then have problems because of it. Well this weekend it was a different story, we worked the ball around well, got it through everyone's hands and because of it played well on the defensive end as well. We ended up winning by about 40. Hopefully this will be a confidence booster for us and we will be able to use it do well next weekend. We just have to make sure that we don't have the mind set that since we won by 40 this past weekend that it is just going to come to us this weekend. This coming weekend we play 2 games. Saturday we play against Canberra and although we beat them the first time they have a guy or two more than they had last time. Then on Sunday we play Frankston who was undefeated until this past weekend. so it will be a big weekend for us.
The win on the weekend was big for us as we had played the team who was just below us in the standings. They were two games behind us. It was a very big win because we are now 3 games ahead of them instead of only one. If we can tie a few win together and beat some of the teams that are ahead of us we could set ourselves up for to have a home game or to at least ensure ourselves a spot.
The way the finals works here is:
The top 4 teams from each conference make it. Since of one the teams in our conference, AIS (Australia Institute of Sport), has commitments where there guys (younger guys-under 18s or 21s or something like that) have to head off to Europe or some other country to play at the end of August, they are not counted in the 4. They are in our conference and in the top four, but since they don't count we will actually get to take the top 5 from our conference. Then the 4th place team plays at the 3rd place team's gym. Then the winner of that game plays at the 2nd place team's gym. The the winner of that game plays at the 4th place team stadium.
Its a little different than back home where the 4th place team would play the 1st place team. And the 3rd place team would play against the 2nd place team. Then the two teams would play off.
A little different but it works pretty well, especially if you are the 1st place team and get two byes.
Link to Women's story:[tt_news]=390&tx_ttnews[backPid]=210&cHash=e3ca302790
Link to Men's story:[tt_news]=389&tx_ttnews[backPid]=210&cHash=c6439f30a1
Well that's all for now-check back soon for updates.
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
Weekends games vs. Albury
The girls played well and continues their win streak. It now sits at 6 games. It wasn't a very high scoring game from either team as both teams played pretty good defence. Again I was only able to see the first quarter of Katy's game but I have to say I am pretty impressed with how hard she works. She is always the first one sprinting down the floor and is getting better at sealing/posting the girl up that she is front of/that is guarding here. Sometimes it looks like it might be a tough pass to here but I think if the ball were to get throw to her a little bit more in that situation they might end up with a couple more points.
For our game, it was a night where we really didn't show up or take Albury as seriously as we should. The first time we played them we ended up beating them by 30 or 40. I think we just thought they were going to give it to us or that it would come easy. It wasn't the case. They took it to us a little bit harder than they did the first time. We were even with them at the end of the 3rd quarter but then in the 4th they got out to a little lead and we just didn't stay with them.
During the week we watched game film and saw that we tend to go one pass and shot, and do that quite a bit. When we do that it is hard to get into the rhythm of the game. When we work the ball around and everyone gets to touch it we seem to do a lot better. If it is something we can work on and do the rest of the year I think it will really help us out. Because when everybody has the ball go through their hands and gets a touch, it seems that everyone is in the game and we do better on defence as well.
Link to Women's story:[tt_news]=383&tx_ttnews[backPid]=210&cHash=07ed4e454f
Link to Men's story:[tt_news]=384&tx_ttnews[backPid]=210&cHash=4a474e309a
Alice Springs 2 of 2
We thought it was only going to take maybe an hour or so but it ended up taking a lot longer a couple hours. We did stop quite a bit and take in the scenery and took a couple breaks, we felt like we had to as we wanted to enjoy it as much as we could.
Then it was back to Alice Springs. During the day we walked up the main street with all the
(Katy and I with Greyhound - he's even smiling for the picture)
Friday, June 12, 2009
Alice Springs 1 of 2
So when we booked the tickets I booked the flights up (from Melbourne to Alice Springs) on Friday and then for the return flight on Monday instead of booking it from Alice back to Melbourne I booked our tickets for Melbourne to Alice Springs.
Our coaches said we could miss a practice and were able to change our flights to coming back on Thursday. So that was one little problem.
When we got up to Alice Springs we called the company we had booked our campervan through to just confirm where we had to pick it up. They then informed us that the campervan we reserved was no longer available....great. They told us that there was another campervan available. It was a little bigger, sleep 4 people instead of 2. It was a little bit more but we really didnt have another choice as we were already there and needed a vehicle. We looked into renting a car and taking a tent with us, but since all the car companies in Alice only give you 100 kilometers a day and one of the places we wanted to go was over 400 kilometers away. We would have went way over in kilometers and they said that extra kilometers a day would be $.27 each kilometer . So that was out of the picture. We really had no other choice but to except the bigger vehicle. So we told them to go ahead and book it. The lady on the other end of the phone then told me that they did not have that vehicle either. ????? I was so confused and a little upset. How can they tell us they had a vehicle and then not have it. The lady then went onto say that they had a a 4X4 for over $800 for the 6 days. We decided not to do that as that was way too much and who knows if they would have actually had the video.
I called a couple other companies and they said that they did not have anything available as this was the biggest weekend of the year in Alice Springs. They had a big race called the Finke Desert Race. It was a buggy race with high performance buggys that go very fast. Many people fly up for the weekend.
So we called around and finally got onto a company called Wicked. They said that they had one campervan available. It wasn't cheap but because we didn't have any other choice we had to do it. So we booked it. When we picked it up it turned out to joke...a model from 1980 or so. The thing was old. It had well over 300,000 kilometers (200,000 miles on it). So we picked it up and went on our way.
The campervan we had originally booked came with all the linens and bedding and warm stuff we needed to be comfortable. This one was different...we had to struggle to get two pillows and it came with nothing for covers or to stay warm with.
So every night before bed we put on every piece of clothing we had. The first night we froze and decided we needed to buy a blanket. At the caravan park we stayed at they had one blanket left and we bought. It was a fleece flannel thing and it helped a little but not a lot. The rest of the nights we crawled under neath it but still froze. It was very cold as it got down to just a few degrees above freezing. We tried to do everything we could to stay warm, a couple nights we even started the van a few times to try and warm it up, but since there was no insulation in the van it went cold within a matter of minutes.
It was cold but we made it through the middle of the trip with nothing really going wrong. The last day was a different story. We woke up early, made breakfast and cleaned up the campervan early to make sure we had enough time to go get the thing washed and vacuumed out. As we were leaving the caravan park we get halfway out and our van stopped. We thought oh great, why does it have to happen on the day we need to be at the airport in a little bit. We saw that we were low on fuel, as we rented the thing on empty and were trying to bring it back on empty as well. So, no big deal-we'll just get some fuel and it will be alright. So I asked the owner of the caravan park for some fuel and he gave me some. We put it in the van and started it least we tried to. Nothing happened. By this time an older man saw that we were struggling and he came over to try and help. He said we were low on oil so I went back into the camp store and tried to buy some oil. The shop didn't have any small containers or regular size containers of oil all they had was a huge container that would last you many oil changes. But, since we needed to be at the airport in a little bit I had to get it. So I paid $35 for oil. We put in the oil in the car and filled it all the way to the top. Then we started it up....or tried to. Again nothing happened. We were starting to get a little more nervous as we got closer and closer to when we needed to be at the airport. The man said if we poured gas down the carburetor it should start right up. So we tried it and wallah it worked. It started for two seconds and then stopped as fast as it started. It did this not only once but tricked us and gave us false hope a couple of times.
By this time we really starting to get nervous that we would not make it to the airport so I called wicked and tried to get the number for the office in Alice Springs. since it is a small office the number is for a personal mobile and they couldn't give me the number. Go figure. So I got transferred to Roadside assistance after explaining the problem. The lady at roadside took my number and said she would call the man at the Alice Springs office and get him to call me so we could work out what to do. Whether we could just leave it there or if we had to organize a tow truck to tow it back to the Wicked shed. While we were waiting I thought lets try it one more time. This time we were in luck. We got it started. We quickly hopped in and did not stop until we got to the shed. We were able to turn the van in and catch a cab in time to make our flight. I have to say it was a very interesting day, but at least we made our flight and got home safely.
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
Sunday - two wins

Friday-Mt Gambier (Road Trip)
A couple years ago the plane that flies to Mt Gambier (not a jet but a prop plane) ended up with problems to one of the engines. The whole cabin filled up with black smoke and none of the guys thought they were going to make it. They didn't really know what was going on and said they could see the pilot get out the instruction manual, not helping their panic. Many of them said they thought that was going to be it. Well, they made it and I guess there wasn't something catastrophic wrong. Some of the guys though said they would never make the flight again, as you might imagine, and have decided to drive since. Katy and I hopped in with one of the guys that drive for a long drive there and back. We left Friday during the day, Katy had already let the school know before she got her 6-week contract that she would not be able to make it in that day and we left around 11:30. We stopped a couple times but the drive in all took about 6 hours. Have to say it wasn't too bad on the way there.
The game on the other hand was not good. We started off okay but ended up not playing a whole game. We gave up way too many easy lay-ups and our defence didn't look that great at times. Needless to say we ended up losing that one, which was frustrating because it was a game we probably should have won.
Aside from the game Mt Gambier is an interesting place. The stadium that we play at is called the ice house, and for very good reason. In each corner of the court they have heaters positioned, as the stadium is not heated. These heaters are small cylindrical tubes that shoot flames out. Its kind of weird as I have never seen them in another stadium before. Also, after the game when we were stretching down I could see the steam rising up off of me. Usually you only see that from football players in the winter, but not here.
Then it was the drive home. We quickly stopped at the post game function (after every game there is a post game function here where both teams get together in one room. The home team provides food for both teams to eat and the coaches from the two teams get up and say nice things about each other. Kind of different than back in the states). After we quickly stopped in we were on our way. We left about 11:30. On the way back we probably saw 30 kangaroos at various times, some right on the edge of the road. Good thing they didn't cross because just like a deer they can do some good damage to a car. It was also very foggy. We would go without fog for a mile or so then fog for a mile then without fog for a mile, then with fog. I wasn't driving one of the other guys, Gerrard (Gez), was and he did a good job of staying awake. I am not sure how he did it after being up all day and just having played a game. Somehow though he made it all the way home. Katy and I offered to drive but he said he was doing fine. Besides him, the other three of us (Katy, me and Gez's girlfriend) fell asleep.
Last year when Katy, Andrew and I made the same drive after the Mt Gambier game, so we could back in time to see my parents and Andrew fly out, we had to stop and take a power nap as we could not stay awake. It is not an easy drive to do. We ended up getting home around 5:30 and went right to bed.