This week was a pretty good week, not quite as busy for us as the past couple but we were still on the go pretty much all week. Katy worked 3 out of the 5 days this week and I had 2 clinics. Katy was at Kilsyth primary, the same school that she has been at for most of her teaching days and at another called Bimbadeen for Friday. She said that Bimbadeen is a pretty nice school and some of the other teachers that work there are the girls that were on her team when she played Thursday night before starting with the women's SEABL team.
For me, for one day of clinics we went up to the where the bushfires were and did some clinics up there. In between driving from one place to another we took the road where many cars and people were not able to get past. What happened that made it so bad is: there is a place called Kinglake up in the hills/mountains and the only way out of it is a road that travels along the mountain. There is no road that goes straight down and away from the mountain/hill. Since the fire was very large and came over the top of the mountain/hill very quickly and spanned a large distance the people driving on this windy road basically had no chance. They would have been able to see the fire coming but there would have been nothing really they could do. If they would have hopped out of their cars and tried to run they wouldn't have made it with how fast the fire was going, and the fact that the hill is quite steep and is quite large would not have helped either.
There were still burned out cars by the side of the road and many homes where all that was left standing was a chimney. It was pretty incredible to see.
I do have to say though that even though trees got burned and all the vegetation on the ground looks to be gone, things are starting to grow again. Against the backdrop of a charred black tree it was great to the almost neon green looking buds and shoots coming out of the Eucalyptus trees. We were told that even though the outside of the tree gets burned it doesn't kill the tree (at least most of the time) and within not too long all the trees should have buds on them and start the process of regrowing.
This week brought another session of lawn bowls. We went again with the teachers Katy taught with last year and our roommate Quincy came with as well. This time we didn't stay as long, only 1.5 hours or so, but we still had a good time. Again they put on their sausage sizzle, where sausages wrapped in bread were only $1 and they had, it looked, quite a few groups there again.
I'm not sure how it is back home right now, but this past week gas got down to the lowest level I have seen it both years since we have been here. Gas prices here are a big cycle. Tuesday night/Wednesday morning gas prices are the cheapest they will be all week, then come Wednesday afternoon they jump up quite a bit and fluctuate around until the following Tuesday night/Wednesday morning when they are back down. This week gas got down to $1.01 a litre. (3.78 liters per gallon) Even though gas would still be $3.80 or so a gallon it is much better than the $1.72 a liter it got up to last year. Just to give you an example of how the price fluctuates. Tuesday night/Wednesday morning when it was cheap it was $1.01 Wednesday night it was up to $1.20 something (something in the $1.20's). $1.20 is $4.54 a gallon. Could imagine gas prices going up $.80 in one day?
Saturday, March 28, 2009
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
He made it
Well I just heard from Andrew today that he is liking it out in Perth. He is staying with the guy who helped organize his trip down her. He said it is surreal actually being down here and he is really enjoying. He said the guy's house is on the beach and since it has be about 80 degrees with a light breeze he has enjoyed spending time by the ocean. As far as his season goes and when it starts, he will start right away when he gets to Mt Barker (the team he will be playing for) on Monday. He and his friend he came out here with decided they would spend a week in Perth before actually heading out to their teams. Then when they get to their teams they will have a week of practice and play their first game on Sunday.
Saturday here was nice to get to spend with him and it was nice to have him make it to the game, even though we didn't win. But it was a very early morning on Sunday as we were up at 3:45 to have them to the airport at 4:45. He did find his bag which the airport had lost when he came in and made it on his flight at 6:00. When I dropped him off I was a little worried that he might not be able to get his bag and make his flight as both of these things were in different buildings. But he made it, so that was good because I am not sure if the airline would have stuck him on another flight or not.
Even though he wasn't here for a really long time it was great to see him and we wish him best of luck over on the West Coast.
Saturday here was nice to get to spend with him and it was nice to have him make it to the game, even though we didn't win. But it was a very early morning on Sunday as we were up at 3:45 to have them to the airport at 4:45. He did find his bag which the airport had lost when he came in and made it on his flight at 6:00. When I dropped him off I was a little worried that he might not be able to get his bag and make his flight as both of these things were in different buildings. But he made it, so that was good because I am not sure if the airline would have stuck him on another flight or not.
Even though he wasn't here for a really long time it was great to see him and we wish him best of luck over on the West Coast.
2nd weekend's games
This past weekend, for our games, was the opposite of last weekend. Instead of the guys winning, the girls won this weekend.
This weekend the girls game was on Sunday and since our game was on Saturday night I was able to see all of Katy's game. It was nice to get to see her entire game. She played really hard and even though the stats may not show it, she seemed to have her hand on almost every ball. She plays really hard and is fun to watch. The box score has her listed as 9 rebounds but I really think she had more than that. The game was good - the girls were pretty much even with the opposition, Ballarat, for a lot of the game and then in the forth quarter they pulled away. The other girl from America on Katy's team ended up with 26 points and got SEABL player of the week. This weekend one of the girls that Katy played against was 6'3" and was named to the Opals (national women's team here in Australia that would play in the world championships or the Olympics) 30-player squad. (So basically what that means is she is in the 30 players that will ultimately be picked for the final Opal squad - so one of the 30 best in Australia). Well, Katy matched up on her a couple times this weekend. Even though the girl was much taller than her, Katy did a very good job of stopping her. I am not even sure if she scored at all on Katy. It was fun to watch Katy play tough Defense and to shut the girl down.
For the story on the game check out:[tt_news]=320&tx_ttnews[backPid]=210&cHash=72527a2409
Box score:
For the guys, we had a tough game this weekend. We played well for 3 quarters but in the third quarter we basically lost it. We just didn't play that well as a team and it ended up costing us. Our coach said that there were some positives we could take out of the weekend but we were pretty disappointed. For me personally I felt like I didn't play very well and next weekend am going to make sure I go harder than I did this past weekend. The team we played is probably at the top of the league so if we look at it from that point of view we are not that far off. Fix a couple things and we should be right there.
For the story on the game check out:[tt_news]=319&tx_ttnews[backPid]=210&cHash=ccde4c497b
Box Score:
Next weekend we play Knox. This is a huge rival for Kilsyth and we want to make sure we do not let them win. There should be a lot of people at this game and it should be a good atmosphere. Check back next week to see how we did.
This weekend the girls game was on Sunday and since our game was on Saturday night I was able to see all of Katy's game. It was nice to get to see her entire game. She played really hard and even though the stats may not show it, she seemed to have her hand on almost every ball. She plays really hard and is fun to watch. The box score has her listed as 9 rebounds but I really think she had more than that. The game was good - the girls were pretty much even with the opposition, Ballarat, for a lot of the game and then in the forth quarter they pulled away. The other girl from America on Katy's team ended up with 26 points and got SEABL player of the week. This weekend one of the girls that Katy played against was 6'3" and was named to the Opals (national women's team here in Australia that would play in the world championships or the Olympics) 30-player squad. (So basically what that means is she is in the 30 players that will ultimately be picked for the final Opal squad - so one of the 30 best in Australia). Well, Katy matched up on her a couple times this weekend. Even though the girl was much taller than her, Katy did a very good job of stopping her. I am not even sure if she scored at all on Katy. It was fun to watch Katy play tough Defense and to shut the girl down.
For the story on the game check out:[tt_news]=320&tx_ttnews[backPid]=210&cHash=72527a2409
Box score:
For the guys, we had a tough game this weekend. We played well for 3 quarters but in the third quarter we basically lost it. We just didn't play that well as a team and it ended up costing us. Our coach said that there were some positives we could take out of the weekend but we were pretty disappointed. For me personally I felt like I didn't play very well and next weekend am going to make sure I go harder than I did this past weekend. The team we played is probably at the top of the league so if we look at it from that point of view we are not that far off. Fix a couple things and we should be right there.
For the story on the game check out:[tt_news]=319&tx_ttnews[backPid]=210&cHash=ccde4c497b
Box Score:
Next weekend we play Knox. This is a huge rival for Kilsyth and we want to make sure we do not let them win. There should be a lot of people at this game and it should be a good atmosphere. Check back next week to see how we did.
Friday, March 20, 2009
Busy Busy Busy
Well, I have to say that this week was the busiest so far. Both Katy and I were very busy every day this week. Katy taught all 5 days at one of the Local Primary schools, Kilsyth Primary. Then after teaching she and I had our Active After school basketball clinics and after that it was either off to practice or to the gym for abs class or to workout. For me I had basketball clinics at different schools every day this week except Tuesday when I went and picked up my younger brother Andrew and his friend from the airport. With everything going on we go from when we get up the morning until either 8:30pm when I get home from practice or for Katy-9:45 when she gets home from practice it is go-go-go all the time. Hopefully this weekend we can grab a little extra shut-eye.
For my brother and his friend they both are out here to play footy over in Western Australia (WA). They said their flights went well except for the fact that the airlines misplaced one of Andrew's bags, which we found out today, Friday, that the airport now has and is holding for him when he goes back to the airport on Sunday (when he will fly over to WA to start his footy season). I thought this was kind of funny -> since it so early in the morning when they will be getting to the airport on Sunday (their flight leaves at 6:00am) the lady on the phone with my brother said that he will need to bang on the baggage door. If no one answers keep banging, if no one answers still keep banging. Because the window wont be open that early in the morning he has to bang on the door until someone hopefully hears him....As if the airline misplacing the bag isn't bad enough. But, I guess, what do you do?
I picked him and his friend up on Tuesday afternoon then Wednesday morning dropped them off at AVIS as they rented a car and headed down to the Great Ocean Road, which is a couple hour drive from here until they got back earlier this afternoon (Friday afternoon). They said they had a wonderful time and it was fun to look at their pictures as Katy and I took a similar trip last year. Then tonight Katy, Quincy, Andrew, his friend and I went out to eat a local restaurant - Smokin Joes. Everybody like their meal except for me. I ordered a salmon fettuccine thing in a cream sauce (it was called 'Joes Special' or something like that). Well, the first 5 bites were good but after that it wasn't so special. About halfway through my bowl I just couldn't down any more and asked for a doggie bag to take it home in. It might be the first time in a while that I have asked for a container to take my food home in, usually I am the one asking if others are going to finish their food and if I could have a little taste.
On another note, the Olympic weights (bumper plates) that were ordered for the stadium came in today so I will be able to start lifting with some of the younger guys who are heading off to the states for college in fall. This is the first time that Kilsyth has gotten some nice equipment and they kind of put me in charge of setting the whole thing up, so it had been fun to do that. Hopefully I will be able to teach the younger kids a thing or two.
Well, tomorrow is our second game it should be a tough one so I am going to get some sleep. Then Sunday it is off to Ballarat to watch Katy play.
Check back soon to see how we did.
p.s. - There was also another earthquake this week on Wednesday. It was another 4.6/4.7 magnitude and its epicenter was in the same spot. Neither Katy or I felt it, but out roommate Quincy did. (Not sure if it is true or not but someone said that the reason there are earthquake is: even though Australia is located in the middle of a plate, there is/are small crack/cracks in the plate and so when the plate moves that is why there are earthquakes.
For my brother and his friend they both are out here to play footy over in Western Australia (WA). They said their flights went well except for the fact that the airlines misplaced one of Andrew's bags, which we found out today, Friday, that the airport now has and is holding for him when he goes back to the airport on Sunday (when he will fly over to WA to start his footy season). I thought this was kind of funny -> since it so early in the morning when they will be getting to the airport on Sunday (their flight leaves at 6:00am) the lady on the phone with my brother said that he will need to bang on the baggage door. If no one answers keep banging, if no one answers still keep banging. Because the window wont be open that early in the morning he has to bang on the door until someone hopefully hears him....As if the airline misplacing the bag isn't bad enough. But, I guess, what do you do?
I picked him and his friend up on Tuesday afternoon then Wednesday morning dropped them off at AVIS as they rented a car and headed down to the Great Ocean Road, which is a couple hour drive from here until they got back earlier this afternoon (Friday afternoon). They said they had a wonderful time and it was fun to look at their pictures as Katy and I took a similar trip last year. Then tonight Katy, Quincy, Andrew, his friend and I went out to eat a local restaurant - Smokin Joes. Everybody like their meal except for me. I ordered a salmon fettuccine thing in a cream sauce (it was called 'Joes Special' or something like that). Well, the first 5 bites were good but after that it wasn't so special. About halfway through my bowl I just couldn't down any more and asked for a doggie bag to take it home in. It might be the first time in a while that I have asked for a container to take my food home in, usually I am the one asking if others are going to finish their food and if I could have a little taste.
On another note, the Olympic weights (bumper plates) that were ordered for the stadium came in today so I will be able to start lifting with some of the younger guys who are heading off to the states for college in fall. This is the first time that Kilsyth has gotten some nice equipment and they kind of put me in charge of setting the whole thing up, so it had been fun to do that. Hopefully I will be able to teach the younger kids a thing or two.
Well, tomorrow is our second game it should be a tough one so I am going to get some sleep. Then Sunday it is off to Ballarat to watch Katy play.
Check back soon to see how we did.
p.s. - There was also another earthquake this week on Wednesday. It was another 4.6/4.7 magnitude and its epicenter was in the same spot. Neither Katy or I felt it, but out roommate Quincy did. (Not sure if it is true or not but someone said that the reason there are earthquake is: even though Australia is located in the middle of a plate, there is/are small crack/cracks in the plate and so when the plate moves that is why there are earthquakes.
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Our first games
This past weekend we had our first games. We both played up at Bendigo. Because the girls game was right before the guys game we were both able to see each other play (I was able to see Katy play for a half as I had to go get ready for my game. But it was great to get to see her play a half). Katy looked good this weekend and I think she is looking forward to next weekend. This coming weekend the guys team have a game on Saturday night and the girls have their game on Sunday, so we will be able to see each others games.
This past weekend the girls ended up dropping their first game 82-67. For this first weekend they were missing two girls who started last year. One of them was playing for Bulleen, one of the teams that was in the Championship for the WNBL (the women's national league here in Australia) last week. So she will be able to play this coming weekend. The other girl who was out last week has a foot injury (stress fractures) and wont be back for 3 or 4 more weeks.
Katy played well - she said she made the tough shots and missed the easy ones this weekend. ( I feel like we do some of the same things-as I missed a couple point blank shots as well). But thats what next weekend is for, to do better.
Link to the girls box score:
Link to story:[tt_news]=315&tx_ttnews[backPid]=210&cHash=49326b1eb1
The guys team had a little luck this past weekend. We won our first game 101-81. IT was a good game. We are lucky to have all of our guys playing and played pretty well together on Saturday night. This coming weekend we have a very tough game. We play Brisbane. From what we have been told they are a good team and will play hard. I guess they have a lot of talent, many guys that played in the NBL (national basketball league here in Australia) this past year. So it should make for an interesting game.
Link to boys box score:
Link to boys story:[tt_news]=314&tx_ttnews[backPid]=210&cHash=cd26761934
This past weekend the girls ended up dropping their first game 82-67. For this first weekend they were missing two girls who started last year. One of them was playing for Bulleen, one of the teams that was in the Championship for the WNBL (the women's national league here in Australia) last week. So she will be able to play this coming weekend. The other girl who was out last week has a foot injury (stress fractures) and wont be back for 3 or 4 more weeks.
Katy played well - she said she made the tough shots and missed the easy ones this weekend. ( I feel like we do some of the same things-as I missed a couple point blank shots as well). But thats what next weekend is for, to do better.
Link to the girls box score:
Link to story:[tt_news]=315&tx_ttnews[backPid]=210&cHash=49326b1eb1
The guys team had a little luck this past weekend. We won our first game 101-81. IT was a good game. We are lucky to have all of our guys playing and played pretty well together on Saturday night. This coming weekend we have a very tough game. We play Brisbane. From what we have been told they are a good team and will play hard. I guess they have a lot of talent, many guys that played in the NBL (national basketball league here in Australia) this past year. So it should make for an interesting game.
Link to boys box score:
Link to boys story:[tt_news]=314&tx_ttnews[backPid]=210&cHash=cd26761934
Saturday, March 14, 2009
This past week was a vaery busy week for the both of us. After taking her resume around 1 week and half a go to the schools in the area, she got called to relief (substitute) teach this week. Since Monday here was a public holiday and all the schools were off she did not have to work. However Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday she did work. So she worked until 3:30 or so in the afternoon and then it was off to our Active After School Basketball Program until 5:00 then back home for dinner and off to practice at 8:00. The school she was at for 3 out of the 4 days she taught last week has asked her back for all 5 days this coming week. So it will be a very busy week for her again.
For me this past week was a pretty busy week as well. In addition to the Active After School Program and practice I started dong basketball clinincs a couple days a week. This coming week I will again be busy as I have clinics every day except Tuesday, the day Andrew (my younger brother) flies into Melbourne. If you didnt know my younger Brother Andrew is coming out to Australia to play Australian Rules Football over on the West Coast of Australia. He is coming here on Tuesday with another guy from the U.S. I will get to spend the day with him on Tuesday and then from Wednesday to Friday he and the guy he is coming with are going to tour the Great Ocean Road, which is a couple hours away from our place. Then Saturday he will come to my game at night and Sunday at 6:00am his flight leaves to head out to the West Coast. So even though he will not be here for that long it will be great to see him. He will start pretty much as soon as he gets over there and his season goes until August.
This week we had a lot of rain. And not just light rain either. I think it rained the hardest we have seen it rain here. But it has been really dry so the rain is really welcomed. Some of the brown is starting tot turn to green and it is starting to look pretty nice here. It would be great if it could keep raining for the next couple of weeks. Yesterday when we were driving to the game up in Bendigo we were having trouble seeing the road as the windshield wipers couldn't go fast enough to keep up with how fast the rain was coming down.
On Friday night we go to try lawn bowls. It is sort of like boccie ball, however instead of playing around the yard you play on very fine cut grass or on turf. the place that we played at had turf. How you play: you roll a little white ball about the size of a cue ball about 23 meters away and then you roll the bigger lawn bowl balls and try to hit the hit white ball. Sounds easy but the thing is the lawn bowl balls have a bias, which means that they do not roll straight. When you roll them they curve. So you have to roll the ball way out to the side and then it curves back toward the white ball. It is hard because the balls seem to roll and roll and roll as the turf is very short. The place that we went to costs $180 to join for a year if you wanted to be a member. Since we were not members we took advantage of a Friday night open bowl. It was supposed to be $8 a person but at the end of the night they didn't charge us anything. I think they just enjoyed seeing us have a good time and liking the game. They also put on a sausage sizzle and charged us $1 for a sausage, which was a pretty good deal. It was a pretty cheap Friday night and we had a really good time. We went with the girl Katy taught with last year and a couple of the other teachers and their partners from the school. In all there were 8 of us and we had a good time.
Friday, March 6, 2009
Rain and Earthquake
This week was different than the other weeks that we have been here. This week instead of being hot and dry, it rained three days this week and was cool. Usually when it rains here it rains for a little while (maybe 15 minutes, half hour) and then it stops but this week it actually rained for much longer. It has been really dry here so the rain is very needed. With the rain came much cooler temperatures. Instead of being 80 or 90 this week it was and is more like 60 or 70. The weather forecast looks like it probably will not get up to being that hot, at least relatively soon, any more. Monday it is supposed to be around 75 or 80, but I think that is as hot as it is supposed to get this next week.
Thursday night my team had the last practice match before the season opener next weekend. We played a local team that we will actually play during the year, and did fairly well. We had some really good streaks and some that were not so good. But it was nice that we were able to have another practice match after we did not play that well last Sunday. This weekend is a long week, (a public holiday on Monday) so we will not have practice on Monday but will use the 2 other practices we have next week (Tuesday and Thursday night) to get ready for our first game against Bendigo next Saturday.
Katy was supposed to have a practice game on Thursday night after our game, but the team that she was supposed to play (the under 18 boys team from Kilsyth) didn't show up. Somebody ended up talking to them and they said that they forgot that it was this week. It was kind of disappointing for them as it would have been a good tune up for their game next weekend. They do however have another practice match scheduled for this weekend on Sunday. This will be the first time that Katy will be able to play with the team so she is excited to play and I am excited to watch her play. Then next weekend the women's team play right before the men's, so I will get to see Katy play at least for a little while and then she will be able to see our team play as well.
Friday night Katy, I and the other girl that has come out to play from the U.S. went over to eat dinner at Katy's coach's house. We had a good dinner and watched the Women's NBL (National Basketball League in Australia) semi final. One of the girls that will be playing on Katy's team this year is actually on the team that won and is going to the grand final (championship). So that girl's team will play on Friday and then she will play on Saturday for Katy's game. Also, another girl that played last year on Kilsyth was on the team that won as well, so it was kind of fun to watch the game knowing some of the girls that were playing. While we were sitting there watching the game, the house started to shake and then the couch we were sitting on did. It lasted for about 5 or 6 seconds, and we were not quite sure what it was. Since Katy's coach had just moved in to their house I started thinking, oh no they just moved into their house and they moved into a bad place where the walls shake in the wind. Katy thought it felt like a big freight train went by close to the house. But there are no train tracks near his house or freight trains that go by any where near here. The coach's wife texted around and many people, even a ways a way felt it, but we weren't sure what it was.
Come to find out a while later on in the News that it was a 4.7 magnitude earthquake. Katy and I thought it was pretty cool as it was the first earthquake we had ever been through. It is really strange though to have an earthquake here as they are supposedly on the middle of a plate, and not near a fault line.
Tonight we had dinner and a movie. The girl Katy taught with last year came over and brought a lasagna. So he had that and headed out to a movie: Zach and Miri make a porno. It was pretty funny at some points in the movie. Don't know if we'd watch it again but we had some good laughs.
Well that's all for now...hopefully next week's post will bring good news of 2 wins, one for the guys and one for the girls.
Thursday night my team had the last practice match before the season opener next weekend. We played a local team that we will actually play during the year, and did fairly well. We had some really good streaks and some that were not so good. But it was nice that we were able to have another practice match after we did not play that well last Sunday. This weekend is a long week, (a public holiday on Monday) so we will not have practice on Monday but will use the 2 other practices we have next week (Tuesday and Thursday night) to get ready for our first game against Bendigo next Saturday.
Katy was supposed to have a practice game on Thursday night after our game, but the team that she was supposed to play (the under 18 boys team from Kilsyth) didn't show up. Somebody ended up talking to them and they said that they forgot that it was this week. It was kind of disappointing for them as it would have been a good tune up for their game next weekend. They do however have another practice match scheduled for this weekend on Sunday. This will be the first time that Katy will be able to play with the team so she is excited to play and I am excited to watch her play. Then next weekend the women's team play right before the men's, so I will get to see Katy play at least for a little while and then she will be able to see our team play as well.
Friday night Katy, I and the other girl that has come out to play from the U.S. went over to eat dinner at Katy's coach's house. We had a good dinner and watched the Women's NBL (National Basketball League in Australia) semi final. One of the girls that will be playing on Katy's team this year is actually on the team that won and is going to the grand final (championship). So that girl's team will play on Friday and then she will play on Saturday for Katy's game. Also, another girl that played last year on Kilsyth was on the team that won as well, so it was kind of fun to watch the game knowing some of the girls that were playing. While we were sitting there watching the game, the house started to shake and then the couch we were sitting on did. It lasted for about 5 or 6 seconds, and we were not quite sure what it was. Since Katy's coach had just moved in to their house I started thinking, oh no they just moved into their house and they moved into a bad place where the walls shake in the wind. Katy thought it felt like a big freight train went by close to the house. But there are no train tracks near his house or freight trains that go by any where near here. The coach's wife texted around and many people, even a ways a way felt it, but we weren't sure what it was.
Come to find out a while later on in the News that it was a 4.7 magnitude earthquake. Katy and I thought it was pretty cool as it was the first earthquake we had ever been through. It is really strange though to have an earthquake here as they are supposedly on the middle of a plate, and not near a fault line.
Tonight we had dinner and a movie. The girl Katy taught with last year came over and brought a lasagna. So he had that and headed out to a movie: Zach and Miri make a porno. It was pretty funny at some points in the movie. Don't know if we'd watch it again but we had some good laughs.
Well that's all for now...hopefully next week's post will bring good news of 2 wins, one for the guys and one for the girls.
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
Team Photos
Look who is on the women's team!
Women's Team (click on the picture for a bigger view)
Men's Team (click on the picture for a bigger view)
For a better look at the pictures check out the links
Women's Team (click on the picture for a bigger view)
Men's Team (click on the picture for a bigger view)
For a better look at the pictures check out the links
Monday, March 2, 2009
Crown Casino
This past week was a pretty good week. Last weekend, Katy and I went with another couple down into the city - they drove so we could avoid having something go wrong with parking or getting towed or something. When we went into the city we went to Crown Casino. This was the first time that I had ever played something other than slots at a Casino. Since Katy had gone to Las Vegas two weeks before we came out to Australia and did pretty well it was fun to head to the casino. We ended up winning $5 in Blackjack, which was pretty good considering we played for something like 3 hours. As we left the Blackjack table we decided we would try our luck at the Roulette table. So we put $2.50 on number 33 or $2.50 on number 34, our college basketball numbers. When the ball fell we thought we had it, but a second look showed it was number 35. Maybe next time.
The rest of the week went pretty well. We had another week of clinics after school and met with our supervisor for the basketball Australia Active After Schools Program. He came to our unit and talked to us about what we could do different or some things we could add to make our clinics better.
Then Wednesday night we had the singlet presentation night. Glen Archer, a famous Australian Rules Football Player, was the guest speaker. It was pretty funny to hear him tell some stories even though we didnt know some of the people he was talking about. Then the rest of the night was about the players from the girls team and the mens team. For the singlet presentation they bring each player up on the stage one by one and hand them their jersey and ask them a question. It was a pretty nice night as they also did a silent auction to raise money for the team. Some of the things, basketball, horse racing, or footy (Aussie rules) were pretty nice. We started at 7:30 and didnt get out until almost 11:00. It went a little long but it was a fun night.
Up until Friday afternoon Katy and I did not have our visa as it was still pending. Then at 4:30 it finally came through, a half hour before the end of the work day. This was exciting as with the visa I could then play on Sunday for our practice match.
The match on Sunday was against Waverly. We didnt play all that well, but it was the first time that we were all able to play together so I guess there is a little transition period but with the season starting next weekend we have a short time to get it all worked out...which we will. This coming week on Thursday we have another practice match so hopefully we will be all cylinders running.
Hope everyone is enjoying the fresh snow back home.
The rest of the week went pretty well. We had another week of clinics after school and met with our supervisor for the basketball Australia Active After Schools Program. He came to our unit and talked to us about what we could do different or some things we could add to make our clinics better.
Then Wednesday night we had the singlet presentation night. Glen Archer, a famous Australian Rules Football Player, was the guest speaker. It was pretty funny to hear him tell some stories even though we didnt know some of the people he was talking about. Then the rest of the night was about the players from the girls team and the mens team. For the singlet presentation they bring each player up on the stage one by one and hand them their jersey and ask them a question. It was a pretty nice night as they also did a silent auction to raise money for the team. Some of the things, basketball, horse racing, or footy (Aussie rules) were pretty nice. We started at 7:30 and didnt get out until almost 11:00. It went a little long but it was a fun night.
Up until Friday afternoon Katy and I did not have our visa as it was still pending. Then at 4:30 it finally came through, a half hour before the end of the work day. This was exciting as with the visa I could then play on Sunday for our practice match.
The match on Sunday was against Waverly. We didnt play all that well, but it was the first time that we were all able to play together so I guess there is a little transition period but with the season starting next weekend we have a short time to get it all worked out...which we will. This coming week on Thursday we have another practice match so hopefully we will be all cylinders running.
Hope everyone is enjoying the fresh snow back home.
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